Code | Headline | Release Date |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Company placed under Administration & De-listing from Official Quotation Company placed under Administration & De-listing from Official Quotation |
10-Sep-2013 9:20:46 AM |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Continued suspension - Failure to comply with NSX Listing Rule 2.18(1) Continued suspension - Failure to comply with NSX Listing Rule 2.18(1) |
09-Sep-2013 9:35:43 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - EGM Results EGM result in relation to the winding-up and delisting of APSL |
03-Sep-2013 9:13:43 AM |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Continued suspension - Failure to comply with NSX Listing Rule 2.18(1) Continued suspension - Failure to comply with NSX Listing Rule 2.18(1) |
20-Aug-2013 9:41:42 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of EGM Notice of EGM to pass resolution about proposed actions for the future direction of the company |
29-Jul-2013 11:18:10 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Result of the Offer Information Statement dated 11 June 2013 and future company direction Result of the Offer Information Statement dated 11 June 2013 and future company direction |
22-Jul-2013 11:53:24 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Revised OIS Full copy of the amended OIS lodged with ASIC on 11 June 2013 |
11-Jun-2013 2:42:50 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Company announcement - OIS OIS was amended and relodged with ASIC on 11 June 2013 |
11-Jun-2013 2:42:10 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Amended OIS Full copy of the amended OIS |
07-Jun-2013 2:09:41 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Amended OIS Amended OIS has been lodged with ASIC and will be mailed to shareholders |
07-Jun-2013 1:58:28 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - OIS Withdrawal of Offer Announcement in relation to the withdrawal of the Offer Information Statement |
28-Mar-2013 10:30:46 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Offer information Statement Renounceable Rights Offer to Shareholders |
15-Mar-2013 2:05:07 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - AGM results Results of the resolutions passed in the AGM held on 14 March 2013 |
15-Mar-2013 2:04:51 PM |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - December 2012 Half Yearly Report December 2012 Half yearly report |
01-Mar-2013 4:30:53 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Shareholder Consultation Letter to shareholders in relation to future action for APSL |
07-Feb-2013 3:07:36 PM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Annual General Meeting Notice of Annual General Meeting |
07-Feb-2013 1:06:24 PM |
40510 NSX Annual Report - 2012 Annual Report 2012 Annual Report |
07-Feb-2013 1:01:13 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - APSL Share Registry APSL Share Registry |
05-Oct-2012 4:56:38 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - 2012 Yearly Preliminary Final Report 2012 Yearly Preliminary Final Report |
01-Oct-2012 9:34:31 AM |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Company suspended due to failure to release Statutory Financial Statements - 30 June 2012 Company suspended due to failure to release Statutory Financial Statements - 30 June 2012 |
01-Oct-2012 9:32:34 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to Company not releasing Premlinary Final Report - 30 June 2012 Trading Halt due to Company not releasing Premlinary Final Report - 30 June 2012 |
14-Sep-2012 10:01:24 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Lodgment of December 2011 Half Year Accounts Directors are advising that the December 2011 Half Year Accounts has been lodged today |
01-Jun-2012 10:28:31 AM |
40051 NSX Reinstatement to Official Quotation - Removal of suspension - Half Yearly Financial Statement - 31 Dec 2011 received. Removal of suspension - Half Yearly Financial Statement - 31 Dec 2011 received. |
01-Jun-2012 10:25:29 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Loan to company APSL has borrowed to meet working capital requirements and to pay creditors and short term borrowings |
01-Jun-2012 10:26:17 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - December 2011 Half Year Report Lodgment of the December 2011 Half Year Report |
01-Jun-2012 10:25:58 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Expected Late Lodgement of December Half-year Report The Directors excpect that the December Half-year report will be lodged late. Extension requests have been sent to ASIC and NSX. |
15-Mar-2012 3:46:14 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Results of 2011 AGM Results of the 2011 AGM, including voting. |
21-Dec-2011 8:52:57 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - 2011 AGM Results of 2011 AGM |
20-Dec-2011 1:04:09 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Voting Power Announcement indicates potential changes in voting power. |
13-Dec-2011 1:34:14 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - ASIC Action outcome Results of the ASIC action against the company. |
09-Dec-2011 11:04:14 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Working Capital Loan Additional information provided in relation to the security provided. |
09-Dec-2011 11:03:38 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Share Registry Confirmation that there has been no change to the Share Registry |
09-Dec-2011 11:02:27 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Directors Interests Resignation of Neil Gibson as Director in December 2010 |
09-Dec-2011 11:01:48 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Directors Interests Resignation of John Rivett as Director in December 2010 |
09-Dec-2011 11:01:05 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Director's Interests Notice Resignation of Brian Wilkie as Director in December 2010 |
09-Dec-2011 11:00:08 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - EGM Results Results of the EGM held December 2010 |
09-Dec-2011 10:59:01 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Notice of EGM - December 2010 Notice of EGM that was held in December 2010 |
09-Dec-2011 10:58:23 AM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of AGM Notice of AGM for 30 June 2011 Annual Report |
21-Nov-2011 5:12:20 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - 30 June 2011 Annual Report 30 June 2011 Annual Report |
21-Nov-2011 4:43:28 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of Annual General Meeting Results of Annual General Meeting |
20-Sep-2011 3:09:17 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - 30 June 2010 Annual Report 30 June 2010 Annual Report |
20-Sep-2011 3:04:46 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - 31 December 2010 Half-year Report 31 December 2009 Half-year Report |
20-Sep-2011 3:02:22 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - 31 December 2009 Half-year Report 31 December 2009 Half-year Report |
20-Sep-2011 2:59:59 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Working capital loan Notice to members that the company has borrowed for working capital purposes. |
15-Sep-2011 4:14:25 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - ASIC Action Notice to members that ASIC is taking acition fo non-losdgement of financial reports. |
15-Sep-2011 4:11:52 PM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Annual General Meeting An AGM will be held on Friday 16 September 2011. |
19-Aug-2011 4:19:34 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Australian Property Systems Limited has now acquired the Intellectual Property that it previously operated under licence. Australian Property Systems Limited has now acquired the Intellectual Property that it previously operated under licence. |
30-Jun-2011 4:45:30 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - GA Thomas Director's Declaration & Undertaking - GA Thomas |
27-Jan-2011 10:03:24 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests - GA Thomas Initial Director's Interests - GA Thomas |
27-Jan-2011 10:02:49 AM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration & Undertaking-SE Jones Directors Declaration & Undertaking |
07-Jan-2011 10:54:55 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest-SE Jones Initial Directors Interest |
07-Jan-2011 10:51:25 AM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration & Undertaking-JR Whitelaw Directors Declaration & Undertaking |
07-Jan-2011 10:19:42 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest - JR Whitelaw Initial Directors Interest - JR Whitelaw |
07-Jan-2011 10:12:13 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Appointment and resignation of Directors and Company Secretary Appointment and resignation of Directors and Company Secretary |
04-Jan-2011 5:15:10 PM |
40799 NSX Details Other - Update of Company Contact Details Update of Company Contact Details |
20-Dec-2010 11:39:12 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Change of Registered and Principle Office Address and Appointment of Director - JP Rivett Change of Registered and Principle Office Address and Appointment of Director - JP Rivett |
23-Aug-2010 11:45:01 AM |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Company to be suspended from Official Quotation. Company to be suspended from Official Quotation. |
10-May-2010 9:48:15 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Failure to release half yearly financials. Trading Halt - Failure to release half yearly financials. |
17-Mar-2010 9:51:29 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Notice of Director's Final Interests - G Jamieson Notice of Director's Final Interests - G Jamieson |
09-Mar-2010 3:25:54 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - NO Gibson Director's Declaration & Undertaking - NO Gibson |
26-Feb-2010 2:32:07 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Director's Initial Interests - NO Gibson Director's Initial Interests - NO Gibson |
26-Feb-2010 2:30:31 PM |
40813 NSX Key Officer Appointment/Resignation - Changes to Board of APSL |
30-Nov-2009 9:28:19 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Change of officers in APO |
30-Nov-2009 9:26:59 AM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Minutes of 2009 AGM |
18-Nov-2009 10:19:03 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report for year ending 30 June 2009 and ASIC Form 388 |
09-Oct-2009 7:44:38 PM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Failure to release Annual Report - 30 June 2009 Trading Halt - Failure to release Annual Report - 30 June 2009 |
01-Oct-2009 10:15:59 AM |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Removal of Trading Halt - Preliminary Financial Report Received Removal of Trading Halt - Preliminary Financial Report Received |
15-Sep-2009 2:02:06 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement June 30 2009 |
15-Sep-2009 2:01:12 PM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Failure to release Preliminary Financial Reports - 30 June 2009 Trading Halt - Failure to release Preliminary Financial Reports - 30 June 2009 |
14-Sep-2009 10:05:20 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Preliminary Half Yearly Report |
17-Mar-2009 8:45:29 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Half Yearly Review |
17-Mar-2009 8:43:04 AM |
40320 NSX Issues to Public - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities Application for Quotation of Additional Securities |
17-Nov-2008 3:21:01 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Minutes of 2008 AGM |
14-Nov-2008 8:34:19 AM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of Annual General Meeting |
30-Sep-2008 4:36:08 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - ASIC Form 388 Copy of financial statement and reports |
30-Sep-2008 4:35:48 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report 30 June 2008 |
30-Sep-2008 4:10:28 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Directors Interest - G Jamieson (Executive Chair) |
26-Sep-2008 1:50:10 PM |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Trading Halt removed due to company releasing Preliminary Financials to NSX market. Trading Halt removed due to company releasing Preliminary Financials to NSX market. |
15-Sep-2008 10:09:45 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Financial Report for Full Year to 30 June 2008 |
15-Sep-2008 10:09:27 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to company failing to lodge their Appendix 3 Trading Halt due to company failing to lodge their Appendix 3 |
15-Sep-2008 9:22:21 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Notice of Directors Final Interest - G Thomas Notice of Directors Final Interest - G Thomas |
20-Aug-2008 12:44:11 PM |
40799 NSX Details Other - Directors Declaration Directors Declaration - L Campbell |
10-Jul-2008 9:34:34 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Directors Initial Interest - Logan Campbell |
10-Jul-2008 9:34:13 PM |
40081 NSX Response to Query - Response from Company regarding Price Query dated 24/6/2008. Response from Company regarding Price Query dated 24/6/2008. |
09-Jul-2008 9:35:14 AM |
40080 NSX Query - Price Query for trades excuted on the 24th of June 2008. Price Query for trades excuted on the 24th of June 2008. |
09-Jul-2008 9:34:58 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - New Managing Director and Resignation of Non-Executive Director. New Managing Director and Resignation of Non-Executive Director. |
09-Jul-2008 9:32:59 AM |
40320 NSX Issues to public - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities Application for Quotation of Additional Securities |
26-Jun-2008 3:04:30 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Pending Company Announcement Trading Halt- Pending Company Announcement |
25-Jun-2008 1:42:33 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Revenue Announcement see attached document |
25-Jun-2008 1:43:13 PM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Price Sensitive announcement to follow. Trading Halt - Price Sensitive announcement to follow. |
20-Jun-2008 9:35:11 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40315 NSX Placement - Placement of $80,000 at 80 cents per share |
20-Jun-2008 9:36:07 AM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2008 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2008 |
12-Jun-2008 12:28:15 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - 205G notice change in Directors interest |
07-May-2008 5:23:48 PM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Price sensitive announcement Trading Halt - Price sensitive announcement |
02-May-2008 10:49:27 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - A company associated with the Managing Director intention to buy shares |
02-May-2008 10:50:32 AM |
40320 NSX Issues to Public - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities Application for Quotation of Additional Securities |
28-Apr-2008 11:26:55 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Price sensitive announcement Trading Halt - Price sensitive announcement |
08-Apr-2008 10:08:13 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40315 NSX Placement - Placement accepted at 80 cents per share |
08-Apr-2008 10:08:29 AM |
40081 NSX Response to Query - Response to Price Query on trade in APO dated 25th of February 2008 Response to Price Query on trade in APO dated 25th of February 2008 |
19-Mar-2008 9:13:36 AM |
40080 NSX Query - Price Query on trade in APO dated 25th of February 2008 Price Query on trade in APO dated 25th of February 2008 |
19-Mar-2008 9:13:20 AM |
40081 NSX Response to Query - Response to Price Query from the 4th of March 2008. Response to Price Query from the 4th of March 2008. |
10-Mar-2008 10:38:32 AM |
40080 NSX Query - Price Query for trade in APO dated 4th of March 2008. Price Query for trade in APO dated 4th of March 2008. |
10-Mar-2008 10:38:16 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Price Sensitive Announcement Trading Halt - Price Sensitive Announcement |
07-Mar-2008 9:51:23 AM |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Half Yearly Audit Review |
06-Mar-2008 5:26:33 PM |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - half yearly preliminary report |
06-Mar-2008 5:26:18 PM |
40199 NSX Interests Other - Amendment to Share Purchase Notification Amendment to Share Purchase Notification |
11-Jan-2008 3:30:51 PM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change to Director's Interest Notice Change to Director's Interest Notice |
11-Jan-2008 2:11:11 PM |
40199 NSX Interests Other - Share Purchase Notification Share Purchase Notification |
11-Jan-2008 11:20:19 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director of Subsidiary share purchase |
05-Dec-2007 8:58:40 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Removal of Trading Halt. Removal of Trading Halt. |
15-Oct-2007 9:06:01 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - lifting of trading halt request |
13-Oct-2007 10:39:11 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40460 NSX Agreement Notice - KPMG and APSL enter into in-principal agreements |
13-Oct-2007 10:38:56 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Devine Limited License unconditional |
13-Oct-2007 10:38:35 AM |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Continuation of Trading Halt |
28-Sep-2007 4:53:34 PM |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report and Notice of Annual General Meeting |
27-Sep-2007 12:01:29 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director of Subsidiary share purchase disclosure |
18-Sep-2007 2:07:06 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Request for Trading halt by company and response to price query |
17-Sep-2007 2:37:17 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt Imposed Pending Response to Price Query Trading Halt Imposed Pending Response to Price Query |
17-Sep-2007 10:22:03 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director of Subsidiary share purchase disclosure |
07-Sep-2007 12:01:15 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt-Market sensitive announcement received Trading Halt-Market sensitive announcement received |
28-Aug-2007 9:17:18 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director of Subsidiary share purchase disclosure |
28-Aug-2007 9:18:02 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - New Licensee Appointed |
26-Aug-2007 8:29:51 PM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - 484 notice of change in shareholding of substantial shareholder |
26-Aug-2007 2:07:55 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Company associated with Director transfer of shares off market |
26-Aug-2007 2:07:41 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt Trading Halt |
20-Aug-2007 11:05:08 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director of Subsidiary intention to buy shares on market |
20-Aug-2007 11:06:03 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement $634,000 profit for year |
20-Aug-2007 11:05:22 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Conditional License signed with subsidiary of Devine Limited The Directors of Australian Property Systems Limited (APSL) would like to announce they have entered into a license agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of Devine Limited which is conditional upon a joint venture agreement being signed with another APSL licensee within 30 days |
28-Jun-2007 8:23:06 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - New License signed with Telco |
06-Jun-2007 5:06:05 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Sale of 20% interest in subdidiary PSX As per attached announcement |
14-May-2007 12:51:33 PM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities Application for Quotation of Additional Securities |
09-May-2007 10:02:26 AM |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Half Yearly Audit Report to 31 December 2006 |
27-Feb-2007 4:41:37 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Preliminary Half Year Report Preliminary Half Year Report |
26-Feb-2007 10:55:03 AM |
40315 NSX Placement - Application for Quotation for Additional Securities Application for Quotation for Additional Securities |
07-Feb-2007 8:16:10 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Small loss for Half Yearly expected |
06-Feb-2007 4:14:12 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - AGM Results replacement notice |
29-Jan-2007 2:19:53 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - $250,000 placement at 25 cents per share completed |
12-Jan-2007 9:42:06 AM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - EGM results |
06-Dec-2006 11:23:09 AM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - EGM regarding sale of Shares in Libertas |
06-Dec-2006 11:22:34 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Extra Ordinary Meeting letter |
06-Dec-2006 11:22:05 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Results of AGM |
02-Dec-2006 2:26:34 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40081 NSX Response to Query - Response to Price Query Response to Price Query |
05-Oct-2006 10:52:48 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40080 NSX Query - Price Query Price Query |
05-Oct-2006 10:52:15 AM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Annual General Meeting 31st October 2006 |
29-Sep-2006 4:34:09 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report 2006 |
29-Sep-2006 4:30:28 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40315 NSX Placement - Placement at 25 cents per share to Napier Blakeley Placement of $250,000 for 1,000,000 ordinary non voting shares and 1,000,000 options exercisable into ordinary non voting shares with an expiry of 5 years from placement date |
27-Sep-2006 3:40:10 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - APSL signs Licence Agreement |
20-Sep-2006 5:26:57 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt Imposed on release of market senstive announcement during trading hours Trading Halt Imposed on release of market senstive announcement during trading hours |
13-Sep-2006 12:33:48 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Financial Statements to 30th June 2006 |
13-Sep-2006 12:35:12 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - APSL Licensee Napier Blakeley signs agreements on 3 projects with AAHA |
13-Sep-2006 12:35:27 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - APSL system delivers solution to affordable housing crisis |
13-May-2006 9:26:51 AM |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Half Yearly report 31 Dec 2005 Audit Review |
15-Mar-2006 3:47:57 PM |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Preliminary Half year 31 Dec 2005 |
15-Mar-2006 3:46:32 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Ferry Road project settlement Ferry Road project in West End Brisbane undertaken by APSL licensee Napier Blakely acting for AAHA settled on Friday 3rd March 2006 resulting in licence fees for APSL. Also APSL purchased a lot in the development to demonstrate a new part of the system to the market place (see attached report) |
15-Mar-2006 12:43:43 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Licence of APSL technology to Napier Blakeley APSL has today signed a 10 year Licence agreement with Napier Blakeley (more detail in attachment). |
02-Dec-2005 3:08:48 PM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - EGM to remove Auditors and appoint new Auditors |
18-Nov-2005 8:03:16 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Notice of Intention from a member to remove auditor |
04-Nov-2005 3:49:28 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of AGM |
04-Nov-2005 3:49:11 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Resignation of Director |
04-Nov-2005 3:48:58 PM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Letter regarding Application for Quotation of Additional Securities. Letter regarding Application for Quotation of Additional Securities. |
28-Oct-2005 1:45:28 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - 2005 Annual Report 2005 Annual Report |
06-Oct-2005 7:51:12 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to Annual Report not release to market. Trading Halt due to Annual Report not release to market. |
05-Oct-2005 9:58:35 AM |
40051 NSX Reinstatement to Official Quotation - APO Suspension Lifted |
06-Sep-2005 9:20:28 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Investment Grade Rating Un-Geared Version For further information refer to `important milestone release` |
31-Aug-2005 3:56:08 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Investment Grade Rating Geared Version |
31-Aug-2005 3:52:31 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Important Milestone An Important Milestone has been achieved with the first investment grade ratings being issued under the APSL System. |
31-Aug-2005 3:52:14 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest Notice. Initial Directors Interest Notice. |
31-Aug-2005 9:50:32 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest Notice. Initial Directors Interest Notice. |
31-Aug-2005 9:45:23 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Notice of Change in Directors Interests. Notice of Change in Directors Interests. |
31-Aug-2005 9:45:10 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Change of interests of substantial shareholder. Notice of Change of interests of substantial shareholder. |
31-Aug-2005 9:32:03 AM |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder. Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder. |
31-Aug-2005 9:23:08 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change of Interest in a Substantial Holder. Change of Interest in a Substantial Holder. |
31-Aug-2005 9:19:35 AM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities. Application for Quotation of Additional Securities. |
31-Aug-2005 9:14:18 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement 2005 Preliminary Final Statement for the period ending 30 June 2005 |
30-Aug-2005 11:16:24 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Release of shares from voluntary escrow The Board of Directors announce that all shares held in voluntary escrow will be released and official quotation sought from NSX |
25-Aug-2005 3:17:44 PM |
40315 NSX Placement - $500,000 placement finalised and new Directors appointed The placement of $500,000 as approved by shareholders at the EGM 9th August 2005 has now been finalised and Geoffrey Allan Thomas and Bernard Ross Noye have been appointed as Directors |
25-Aug-2005 2:54:02 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders All resolutions put to the meeting held on 9/8/05 were passed by the required majority |
10-Aug-2005 1:25:26 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Letter of Demand Response received The Company has received a response to the Letter of Demand of 21st July 2005 |
08-Aug-2005 10:13:12 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Letter of Demand for $1,259,679 Mallesons Stephen Jaques solicitors acting for APSL have sent a Letter of demand to Craig Offenhauser, Lorelle Offenhauser and Boda Investments being all of the parties that recieved shares in the Company as a result of the purchase by the Company of Libertas Securities Pty Ltd (formally Charter Pacific Securities LTD. The Letter of Demand (attached to this announcement) seeks the recovery of $1,259,679 plus other outstandings yet to be quantified |
22-Jul-2005 12:24:03 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Company Response to Letter Received from Phillips Fox on 2nd Notice Company response to Letter dated 13th July Received from Phillips Fox acting on behalf of Boda Investments (attached in PDF) regarding the 2nd notice of Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders which was approved by ASIC |
22-Jul-2005 11:53:15 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Company response to attachment of letter Phillips Fox Company response to the attachment of a letter dated the 21st June recieved from Phillips Fox on behalf of Boda Investments. The PDF Phillips Fox attachment is attached to the PDF Company response |
22-Jul-2005 11:42:22 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - New Notice to shareholders New notice to shareholders as approved by ASIC for an extraordinary shareholders meeting to be held on 9th August. |
18-Jul-2005 11:10:18 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40950 NSX Alteration to Notice of Meeting - Cancellation of Shareholders Meeting Directors would like to announce that although ASIC approved the Explanatory Memorandum to shareholders for the shareholder meeting, ASIC have now advised that the Memorandum did not provide enough detail therefore the shareholder meeting has been cancelled. |
28-Jun-2005 10:43:46 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Letter from Shareholder A letter from a shareholder contained an attachment that the Directors are seeking legal advice on prior to its release. |
28-Jun-2005 10:43:21 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Suspension of securities from quotation Suspension of securities from quotation |
27-Jun-2005 10:11:38 AM |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Trading Halt due to pending price sensitive announcement. Trading Halt due to pending price sensitive announcement. |
24-Jun-2005 4:08:03 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Letter from shareholder Letter from shareholder regarding shareholders meeting 28th June 2005 and the response from APSL solicitors |
23-Jun-2005 8:00:16 AM |
40816 NSX Nominated Adviser Appointment/Resignation - Notice of resignation of Nominated Adviser. Notice of resignation of Nominated Adviser. |
22-Jun-2005 8:00:28 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. |
24-May-2005 12:02:07 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Meeting to approve placement of $500k and issue of options An Explanatory Memorandum has been sent to shareholders today regarding an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on the 28th June 2005 to consider at the meeting the placement of $500,000 at 2 cents per share and for the issue of 30 million options exercisable at 50 cents per share within 5 years |
24-May-2005 11:51:42 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Anticipated operating loss for second half The board of APSL believes the Company will make an operating loss for the second half of this financial year |
18-May-2005 2:50:26 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. Price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. |
18-Apr-2005 11:48:43 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Notice of Termination of Master Licence with Nu West The Company issued a Notice of Termination to Nu West, terminating the Master Licence Agreement as a result of Nu West failing to remedy defaults in the required time frames |
18-Apr-2005 11:37:49 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Not proceeding with Property Purchase Not proceeding with previously announced property purchase. |
14-Apr-2005 4:59:17 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Audit Opinion half yearly review Audit Opinion half yearly review |
16-Mar-2005 9:31:22 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Audited Half Yearly Report Audited Half Yearly Report |
16-Mar-2005 9:31:14 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Non Payment of Licence fee by Nu West The payment of a $1,000,000 licence fee was not paid by Nu West on the due date of 15th March and therefore Directors are issuing a default notice. |
16-Mar-2005 3:59:29 PM |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - REVISED 40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - REVISED |
04-Mar-2005 8:47:37 AM |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Outstanding Information |
28-Feb-2005 4:01:41 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40080 NSX Query - Price Query Board response to Price Query |
28-Feb-2005 4:01:34 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Preliminary Half Year Report Preliminary Half Year Report to December 31st 2004 |
25-Feb-2005 3:11:31 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Preliminary half year report Preliminary half yearly report to December 2004 |
24-Feb-2005 8:13:58 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Release of 33% of shares voluntary escrow agreements Shareholders holding Voluntary Escrow agreements with the Company have been advised by the Directors that 33% of those shares will be released from escrow and a request made for official quotation of the shares. |
19-Feb-2005 9:01:35 AM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - AGM resolution results |
14-Jan-2005 10:45:13 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Change in Auditors |
15-Dec-2004 7:44:17 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40811 NSX Chairman Appointment/Resignation - Change to Director Requirement and Resignation of Chairman |
15-Dec-2004 7:44:07 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Notice of anticipated operating loss for first half. Notice of anticipated operating loss for first half. |
14-Dec-2004 10:13:58 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Removal of Trading Halt on release to market of Financial Information Removal of Trading Halt on release to market of Financial Information |
12-Nov-2004 5:41:20 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report Financial Report for Year Ended 30 June 2004 |
12-Nov-2004 5:01:41 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - APSL System Milestone Achieved APSL has achieved major milestone with the Release of Covenant on Stage 1 of the Arbour Grove Development |
04-Nov-2004 11:57:12 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Extension of Lodgement Date of Annual Return Australian Property Systems Limited wishes to advise that due to problems associated with the Audit and consolidation of the subsidiary company Libertas Limited, the KPMG audit sign off on the Annual Report by the 31st October 2004 is unlikely. The Audit sign off is imminent and we will notify the exchange immediately it is completed. |
27-Oct-2004 3:45:55 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt imposed for delay in releasing financial information. Trading Halt imposed for delay in releasing financial information. |
29-Sep-2004 4:12:39 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Expected Late Lodgment of Annual Report Australian Property Systems Limited wishes to advise the market that due to issues outside our control, we will be lodging our Annual Report later than expected. |
29-Sep-2004 4:01:59 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for an extension of time to lodge Annual Financial Report We wish to apply for an extension of time to lodge the Company’s annual financial report. The date for the expected lodgment would be the 31st October 2004. |
29-Sep-2004 4:01:51 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Director Resignation Australian Property Systems Limited would like to advise that Arthur Gerbanas has resigned as a Director of the company. |
06-Sep-2004 9:27:06 AM |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Financial Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2004.
Appendix 3 - Preliminary Announcement |
10-Aug-2004 4:04:36 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of EGM held 28th June 2004 Results of EGM held 28th June 2004 |
05-Jul-2004 5:07:09 PM |
40430 NSX Strategic Alliance Notice - APSL have formed a Strategic Alliance with Property Investment Research Pty Ltd (PIR) - Australia’s leading independent research group on property related investments. We are pleased to announce that APSL have formed a Strategic Alliance with Property Investment Research Pty Ltd (PIR) - Australia’s leading independent research group on property related investments. Established in 1989, PIR (holder of Australian Financial Services Licence (No 252599) is the major supplier of independent property-related research to Investment Managers and Financial Advisers. PIR’s independent research plays a vital compliance role for ASIC licensed Advisers and Security Dealers. |
02-Jul-2004 2:51:40 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - MASTER LICENSE – NU WEST PROPERTY SYSTEMS (WA) PTY LTD: VARIATION TO THE EXISTING MASTER LICENSE AGREEMENT The directors of Australian Property Systems Ltd wish to announce a variation to the existing Master License Agreement with Nu West Property Systems (WA) Pty Ltd. |
12-Jun-2004 8:19:08 PM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Changes to previous notice: Meeting will now be held on Monday 28 June 2004 at 10am. The Directors of Australian Property Systems Limited wish to advise that an error was made concerning the date of the next Extraordinary General Meeting. According to section 249HA of the act, listed companies require 28 days notice for a meeting. Therefore, the next Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Monday 28th June 2004 at 10:00am to provide sufficient time for all shareholders to be fully informed of the content of the resolutions to be raised at the meeting. |
04-Jun-2004 10:16:15 AM |
The Directors of Australian Property Systems Ltd wish to advise that Nu West Property Systems (WA) Pty Ltd have defaulted on their current payment arrangement. APSL has issued a default notice, however we wish to advise that the parties are currently in discussion to address the matter. |
25-May-2004 4:33:19 PM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of members of Australian Property Systems Limited ACN 096 925 610 (“APSL” or “Company”) to be held on 16 June 2004 at Level 1, Naval Offices, 3 Edward Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 commencing at 10:00am. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the Company’s acceptance of the following resolution: To allow the Directors at their discretion to issue a new class of shares in the Company that will not have any voting rights attached or be subject to the escrow provisions of the existing ordinary shares. All shareholders are able to vote on this resolution. |
25-May-2004 3:52:20 PM |
APSL Audited Half Year Financial Report 31 Dec 2003 APSL Audited Half Year Financial Report 31 Dec 2003 |
07-May-2004 10:16:08 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
MASTER LICENSE – NU WEST PROPERTY SYSTEMS (WA) PTY LTD: VARIATION TO PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEES DUE UNDER THE EXISTING MASTER LICENSE AGREEMENT The directors of Australian Property Systems Ltd wish to announce a variation to the payment of license fees due under the existing Master License Agreement with Nu West Property Systems (WA) Pty Ltd. Of the $450,000 that was due under the Master License Agreement with Nu West Property Systems (WA) Pty Ltd; $200,000 has been paid with the balance to be paid on the 14 May 2004. |
05-May-2004 12:22:31 PM |
The directors of Australian Property Systems Ltd are pleased to advise we have entered into a strategic alliance with Property Compass Pty Ltd which provides for the exclusive use of the Property Compass developed virtual distribution platform for the PSX system and Sentinel Properties Ltd who will be a preferred marketing agent. |
19-Apr-2004 3:38:36 PM |
Appointment of Ross Noye to Board as Independent Chairman The directors of Australian Property Systems Ltd wish to announce that Ross Noye has been appointed to the Board as Independent Chairman. |
04-Apr-2004 9:42:47 AM |
Initial Director's Interests Initial Director's Interests |
31-Mar-2004 8:38:22 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Trading Halt Imposed on release of market sensitive
announcement during trading hours
Trading Halt Imposed on release of market sensitive announcement during trading hours |
22-Mar-2004 10:51:12 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Notice of Deed of Variation to Master License Agreement - Nu-West Property Systems(WA) Pty Ltd.
Re: Payment of $4,000,000 A. Under the Master Licence Agreement, Nu-West was given a Master Licence for the Territory. B. In consideration of receiving the Licence, Nu-West was required to pay APSL certain amounts under the Deed, including the Initial Licence Fee. C. Nu-West has not paid the Initial Licence Fee as required under the Master Licence Agreement. D. The parties have agreed to the vary the terms of the Master Licence Agreement on the terms set out in this Deed. |
22-Mar-2004 10:42:43 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Appendix 3 - Half Yearly Report Appendix 3 - Half Yearly Report |
15-Mar-2004 9:29:00 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Trading Halt Removal Trading Halt Removal |
16-Feb-2004 1:26:54 PM |
Notice of AGM (replacement notice) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the Company will be held at the offices of AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY SYSTEMS LIMITED, 1st Floor, Naval Office, 3 Edward Street, Brisbane, Queensland Qld 4000, on Friday 5th March 2004 at 9.30am. |
16-Feb-2004 1:19:42 PM |
Notice of AGM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the Company will be held at the offices of AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY SYSTEMS LIMITED, 1st Floor, Naval Office, 3 Edward Street, Brisbane, Queensland Qld 4000, on Friday 5th March 2004 at 9.30am. |
13-Feb-2004 5:47:26 PM |
APSL Financial Report 2003 Australian Property Systems Limited for period ended 30 June 2003 |
13-Feb-2004 3:51:14 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Lodgement of 2003 Annual Report The finalisation of the audit for the year ended 30 June 2003 is scheduled to be completed by KPMG (letter attached in pdf format) for a lodgement of the Financial Report during the week commencing 16 February. The events that have led to the delay of the Financial Accounts have been beyond the control of the company. |
30-Jan-2004 4:39:26 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Trading Halt Trading Halt |
28-Jan-2004 10:23:25 AM |
Disclosure details in line with good corporate governance.
Reference to a termination payment is made in the audited financial report for the company for the year ended 30 June 2003 which is still in the hands of the company’s auditors and which it is hoped will be finalized in the near future and considered at the Company’s Annual General meeting. |
14-Jan-2004 11:24:11 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Settlement of Ultimo Project APSL wishes to announce that it has received $1,987,015 from the above settlement. |
14-Jan-2004 9:03:48 AM |
Resignation of Director APSL would like to advise that Craig Offenhauser has resigned as a director of the company. |
14-Jan-2004 9:03:43 AM |
Change of Company Secretary Change of Company Secretary |
08-Jan-2004 4:26:11 PM |
Annual Report Delay in publication of Annual Report |
28-Nov-2003 3:24:32 PM |
Execution of Formal Master Licence The Board of APSL would like to announce that the formal Master Licence Agreement between APSL and Nu West Property Systems Pty Ltd has been signed in Brisbane and is now effective. |
04-Nov-2003 11:10:15 AM |
Change to Company Details - Form 484 ASIC Change to Company Details - ASIC 484 Form |
31-Oct-2003 1:54:59 PM |
Change to Company Details - Form 484 Change to Company Details - Form 484 |
28-Oct-2003 1:19:06 PM |
Extension in Master Licence Execution Period The Board of APSL would like to announce that an extension has been granted to Nu West Property Systems Pty Ltd from Friday 24th October 2003 to Wednesday 29th October 2003 for the execution of the Master Licence Agreement with APSL. |
28-Oct-2003 11:26:42 AM |
Sale of 50% of Stake in Libertas to Lawfund Australia Pty Ltd The Directors of APSL would like to announce that Lawfund Australia Pty Limited (“Lawfund”) has agreed to purchase 50% of the ordinary shares in Libertas Securities Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of APSL) on the following basis (as more specifically set out in the relevant Agreement between them) |
15-Oct-2003 8:08:39 AM |
Form 604 Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder Form 604 Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder |
13-Oct-2003 9:58:46 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Appendix 3 Appendix 3 |
08-Oct-2003 3:29:06 PM |
Announcement - Lodgment of international patents in 22 international jurisdictions The APSL Board wishes to advise that international patents have been lodged in relation to the property management system licensed from Australian Property Systems (No 1) Pty Ltd (“the System”) in 22 international jurisdictions, including USA, European Economic Community and selected South East Asian countries. |
08-Oct-2003 3:28:57 PM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
Master Licence Agreement The directors wish to make an announcement that the company has entered into a Master License agreement in accordance with the terms sheet below with Nu West Property Systems Pty Ltd a company that is part of the Nu West Group of Companies. |
26-Sep-2003 8:52:36 AM |
The Board of APSL would like to announce that Robert Alan Tuckey has resigned his position as Director on the Board of APSL effective 23rd September 2003. Mr. Tuckey has advised that due to increasing time requirements of his other appointments and commitments he considers that in future he may be unable to devote the required time to the role of non-executive director of APSL. The Board of APSL would like to announce that Robert Alan Tuckey has resigned his position as Director on the Board of APSL effective 23rd September 2003. Mr. Tuckey has advised that due to increasing time requirements of his other appointments and commitments he considers that in future he may be unable to devote the required time to the role of non-executive director of APSL. |
25-Sep-2003 12:29:19 PM |
Resignation of Director The Board of APSL would like to announce that David Stirling McEwan Tucker has resigned his position as Director on the Board of APSL effective 8th September 2003. This is due to the fact that Mr Tucker is now stationed in Perth full time as an executive consultant and logistically this makes it hard for him to effectively deal with board matters and attend meetings in person. Also his resignation create a vacant position for a non executive director to join the Board in line with the Board’s adoption of good corporate governance, of having a balance of non executive and executive directors on the board. |
21-Sep-2003 10:31:22 AM |
Affordable Housing Solution The Board of APSL would like to announce that through the utilisation of its patented technology, the Company has developed a solution to the burgeoning Affordable Housing problem in Australia and Management are currently meeting with Federal and State governments to discuss the possible implementation of the program. |
15-Sep-2003 3:30:26 PM |
The Board of APSL would like to announce the following:
1. ASIC was advised on 26/3/03 that Robert Allan Tuckey was appointed to the Board of Directors as an Independent Director on Tuesday, 20th March 2003; and
2. Gregory Alexander Caird resigned his position as a Director on Tuesday, 1st July 2003.
On behalf of the Board
Sasha Andjelkovic
Company Secretary
The Board of APSL would like to announce the following: 1. ASIC was advised on 26/3/03 that Robert Allan Tuckey was appointed to the Board of Directors as an Independent Director on Tuesday, 20th March 2003; and 2. Gregory Alexander Caird resigned his position as a Director on Tuesday, 1st July 2003. On behalf of the Board Sasha Andjelkovic Company Secretary |
04-Jul-2003 10:53:50 AM |
The Board of APSL would like to announce that another major milestone for the Company was reached on 3rd June 2003 with the settlement of its first lot of contracts in Queensland under its patented system.
The Board of APSL would like to announce that another major milestone for the Company was reached on 3rd June 2003 with the settlement of its first lot of contracts in Queensland under its patented system. |
04-Jun-2003 9:40:20 AM |
Pre-open Pre-open |
28-May-2003 11:06:45 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
The Board of APSL would like to announce that it is their belief that the Company will make an Operating Loss for the year ending 30 June 2003. This anticipated loss is attributable to the following issues:
• Expected project settlements being delayed;
• New projects taking longer to crystallise into ongoing income streams;
• The discontinuance of the Coolangatta Development Management Agreement.
Further, in anticipation of new contracts being signed, APSL had geared its overhead structure accordingly. As a result of new contracts not being signed and a delay in current project settlements, overheads have exceeded revenues for this year.
On behalf of the Board
Sasha Andjelkovic
Company Secretary
The Board of APSL would like to announce that it is their belief that the Company will make an Operating Loss for the year ending 30 June 2003. This anticipated loss is attributable to the following issues: • Expected project settlements being delayed; • New projects taking longer to crystallise into ongoing income streams; • The discontinuance of the Coolangatta Development Management Agreement. Further, in anticipation of new contracts being signed, APSL had geared its overhead structure accordingly. As a result of new contracts not being signed and a delay in current project settlements, overheads have exceeded revenues for this year. On behalf of the Board Sasha Andjelkovic Company Secretary |
28-May-2003 10:51:50 AM |
The Board of APSL would like to announce that a major milestone for the Company was reached on 22nd May 2003 with the issue of the international phase Australian Standard Patent to Australian Property Systems (No. 1) Pty Ltd which APSL operates under licence.
This patent has a term of 20 years from the date of filing – 4th March 2002.
On behalf of the Board
Sasha Andjelkovic
Company Secretary
The Board of APSL would like to announce that a major milestone for the Company was reached on 22nd May 2003 with the issue of the international phase Australian Standard Patent to Australian Property Systems (No. 1) Pty Ltd which APSL operates under licence. This patent has a term of 20 years from the date of filing – 4th March 2002. On behalf of the Board Sasha Andjelkovic Company Secretary |
28-May-2003 10:49:30 AM |
APSL today achieved a major milestone in the proving up of its patented technology with statutory authorities in Queensland with the registration of covenants for a 50 Unit development. APSL today achieved a major milestone in the proving up of its patented technology with statutory authorities in Queensland with the registration of covenants for a 50 Unit development. |
15-May-2003 2:55:23 PM |
Preliminary Announcement
APPENDIX 3 Preliminary Announcement |
14-Mar-2003 8:59:50 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
CPS Purchase & Placement of Shares 1. Australian Property Systems Limited (‘APSL’) and Charter Pacific Securities Limited (‘CPSL’) have reached agreement in respect of APSL accepting a transfer of a 100% interest in CPSL in exchange for the issue of the following shares: (a) 1.1 million shares of APSL to Mr Leon Craig Offenhauser; and (b) 1.1 million shares of APSL to Mrs Lorelle May Offenhauser; and 2. APSL and Boda Investments Pty Ltd (‘Boda’) have reached agreement in respect of APSL making a placement of 1 million shares of APSL to Boda. |
07-Jan-2003 12:08:19 PM |
6 January 2003 at 10:00am
Level 1, Naval Offices, 3 Edward Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000
The purpose of the meeting is to approve the Company’s acceptance of a transfer of the 100% interest in Charter Pacific Securities Limited ACN 089 809 487 (“CPS”) in exchange for the issue by the Company of: (1) 1,100,000 shares of the Company (fully paid ordinary) to Mr Leon Craig Offenhauser: and (2) 1,100,000 shares of the Company (fully paid ordinary) to Mrs Lorelle May Offenhauser, |
11-Dec-2002 9:33:26 AM |
APOPrice Sensitive |
The Board of APSL wish to announce that the Company expects to make a small trading loss The Board of APSL wish to announce that the Company expects to make a small trading loss for the 6 months ending December 2002. However, the Board believes that the company will make a profit in the second half, June 2003 as a result of a number of property projects it manages financially complete. Sasha Andjelkovic Company Secretary APSL |
10-Dec-2002 1:50:05 PM |
Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial holder Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial holder |
20-Nov-2002 2:26:52 PM |
APSL Appendix 3 APPENDIX 3 Preliminary Announcement |
12-Nov-2002 12:29:41 PM |
APSL Annual Report Australian Property Systems Limited ACN: 096 925 610 Financial Report for the period ended 30 June 2002 |
12-Nov-2002 12:29:23 PM |
Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder |
12-Nov-2002 11:24:25 AM |
Notice of AGM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1st Annual General Meeting of Australian Property Systems Limited will be held at the Registered Offices of the Company, the Naval Offices, 3 Edward Street, Brisbane, QLD on Friday 29th November 2002 at 9:00am. |
01-Nov-2002 9:42:40 AM |
Purchase of Charter Pacific Securities Ltd The Directors of APSL are pleased to announce that they have signed a letter of offer to the Shareholders of Charter Pacific Securities Limited (CPSL) for the purchase of 100% interest in the equity of CPSL. APSL’s offer is contingent on APSL Shareholder approval. |
28-Oct-2002 2:53:36 PM |
Form 604 - change interests of substantial holder Form 604 - change interests of substantial holder |
28-Oct-2002 2:43:08 PM |
Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder Form 604 - Notice of change of interests of substantial shareholder |
11-Oct-2002 10:05:52 AM |
Form 604 - Notice of Change of interests of substantial holder Form 604 - Notice of Change of interests of substantial holder - Brian Wilkie |
09-Oct-2002 1:07:24 PM |
Form 604 Notice of change of interests of substantial holder Form 604 Notice of change of interests of substantial holder |
04-Oct-2002 11:23:28 AM |
Form 603 - Notice of Initial substantial Shareholder Form 603 - Notice of Initial substantial Shareholder - Correction to details of Geoffrey Jamieson |
03-Oct-2002 5:24:53 PM |
Form 604 - Change of details of substantial share holding Form 604 - Change of details of substantial share holding |
03-Oct-2002 5:21:48 PM |
Form 603 - Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholders Form 603 - Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholders |
03-Oct-2002 10:39:17 AM |