Market Monitoring

NSX monitors broker participants by:

  • Receipt of a monthly surplus liquid funds report
  • Analysis of an annual assessment
  • Site visits by the NSX Compliance Officer
  • NSX has signed an information sharing MOU with ASX which encompasses brokers that the two exchanges have in common
  • Working in conjunction with ASIC in terms of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules

NSX business rules allow a range of disciplinary action to be undertaken depending on the severity of the breach.

ASIC Market Integrity Rules

NSX Participants are also governed by the ASIC Market Integrity Rules which apply to market operators, market participants, other prescribed entities and financial products traded on the relevant markets . The NSX Business Rules should be read in conjunction with the ASIC Market Integrity Rules.

ASIC is responsible for supervising compliance with these rules.

The latest documents can be found on the ASIC Market Integrity Rules Website.