Code | Headline | Release Date |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Options expire 31 December 2009 5,305,600 options exercise price $3.00 expire 31 December 2009 |
04-Jan-2010 3:11:45 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests - Watts Initial Director's Interests - Watts |
03-Dec-2009 12:18:43 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests - Lane Initial Director's Interests - Lane |
03-Dec-2009 12:18:01 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Watts Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Watts |
03-Dec-2009 12:16:57 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Lane Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Lane |
03-Dec-2009 12:16:36 PM |
40811 NSX Chairman Appointment/Resignation - New Chairman and new Director Appointment of Christopher Lane as Director and Chairman and appointement of Daniel Watts as Independent non-executive Director. |
03-Dec-2009 12:16:11 PM |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholding - CTL Holdings Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholding - CTL Holdings |
28-Nov-2009 8:17:32 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of AGM 25 Nov 09 Results of AGM 25 Nov 09 |
25-Nov-2009 1:20:25 PM |
40099 NSX Official List Other - CEO address at AGM CEO address at AGM |
25-Nov-2009 12:12:25 PM |
40130 NSX Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder - Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder - Fortuna Capital Partners Pty Ltd Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder - Fortuna Capital Partners Pty Ltd ASIC Form 605 |
16-Nov-2009 2:12:56 PM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of AGM 25 Nov 09 Notice of AGM 25 November 2009 |
27-Oct-2009 7:39:39 PM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder - Lion Bridge Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder - Lion Bridge Investments Pty Ltd |
16-Oct-2009 6:17:52 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009 |
01-Oct-2009 9:18:50 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement 30 June 2009 Results for annoucement to the market 30 June 2009 |
14-Sep-2009 10:25:26 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Niederer Change in Director's Interest Notice - Niederer |
25-Jul-2009 9:34:36 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Puls Change in Director's Interest Notice - Puls |
25-Jul-2009 9:34:20 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in substantial shareholder Fortuna Capital Partners Change in substantial shareholder Fortuna Capital Partners |
25-Jul-2009 9:34:01 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Sale of Start Innovation Fund ASSOB sells Start Innovation Fund to BlueSky Securities |
10-Jul-2009 11:19:11 AM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Cleansing notice Cleansing notice |
06-Jul-2009 1:37:52 PM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Application for quotation of additional securities Application for quotation of additional securities |
06-Jul-2009 1:38:31 PM |
40588 NSX Media Release - ASSOB Shareholder Update Summary of recent changes to the ASSOB business after the advent of the global economic crisis. |
07-May-2009 3:22:29 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Puls Change in Director's Interest Notice - Puls |
01-May-2009 8:10:27 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Offer free ASSOB training to shareholders Shareholders who hold at least 200,000 shares are offered free training to become acredited ASSOB Members |
23-Apr-2009 1:21:33 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Announcement regarding half yearly report 31 December 2008 Announcement regarding half yearly report 31 December 2008 |
20-Apr-2009 5:25:24 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - Half yearly report 31 December 2008 Half yearly report, directors' report, directors' declaration & audit report 31 December 2008 |
20-Apr-2009 5:25:06 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Results for announcement to the market 31 December 2008 Results for announcement to the market 31 December 2008 - NSX 2A |
20-Apr-2009 5:24:49 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Half yearly report to be lodged Half yearly report to be lodged by first week of April - audit not yet completed |
01-Apr-2009 4:07:28 PM |
40799 NSX Details Other - Change of registered office and half-yearly report delayed Change of registered office and half-yearly report delayed |
16-Mar-2009 7:00:41 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in director's interests notice - Puls Change in director's interests notice - Puls |
10-Mar-2009 11:31:45 AM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Application for quotation of additional securities Application for quotation of additional securities |
26-Feb-2009 3:15:10 PM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Shares released from escrow 14,059,072 shares are today released from escrow |
26-Feb-2009 3:14:10 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Director's interest notice - Pathmanaban Final Director's interest notice for Pathy Pathmanaban |
21-Jan-2009 3:46:05 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Director's interest notice - Mueller Final Director's interest notice for Lucas Mueller |
21-Jan-2009 3:43:22 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Director's interest notice - Meyer Final Director's interest notice for Peter Meyer |
21-Jan-2009 3:42:34 PM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - AGM results Results of AGM |
21-Jan-2009 1:58:41 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - AGM presentation Presentation given at AGM |
21-Jan-2009 11:03:21 AM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Resignation of Pathy Pathmanaban as director Pathy Pathmanaban has resigned as Director and Executive Chairman |
20-Jan-2009 7:58:13 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Resignation of Lucas Mueller as director Lucas Mueller has resigned as director and continues as CEO of Start Innovation Fund |
15-Jan-2009 12:39:20 PM |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - SEC Notice of AGM 21 January 2009 Start Securities Group Limited Notice of AGM 21 January 2009, Chairman's letter, proxy form & resolution 10 reminder |
22-Dec-2008 9:11:22 AM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Planincic Director's Declaration & Undertaking for Terrina Planincic |
18-Dec-2008 1:06:08 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Planincic Initial Director's Interest Notice for Terrina Planincic |
18-Dec-2008 1:05:52 PM |
40730 NSX Details of Registered Office - Change of Registered Office and board and senior management changes Start Securities wishes to advise of a change in Registered Office and Principal Place of Business, a resignation and appointment of Director and senior management change. |
17-Dec-2008 2:46:34 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Puls Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Director's Interest Notice for Tony Puls |
17-Dec-2008 10:54:18 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Pathmanaban Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Director's Interest Notice for Pathy Pathmanaban |
17-Dec-2008 10:54:03 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Niederer Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Director's Interest Notice for Paul Niederer |
17-Dec-2008 10:53:48 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Mueller Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Director's Interest Notice for Lucas Mueller |
17-Dec-2008 10:53:32 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest Notice - Meyer Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Director's Interest Notice for Peter Meyer |
17-Dec-2008 10:53:14 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder - Puls Start Securities wishes to lodge a Change in Substantial Shareholder notice on behalf of Anthony Puls |
16-Dec-2008 6:48:10 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities Start Securities wishes to apply for quotation for the number of additional securities indicated in the attached form. |
08-Dec-2008 2:18:18 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Puls Initial Director's Interst Notice for new Director - Tony Puls |
04-Dec-2008 5:38:17 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Puls Director's Declaration & Undertaking for new Director - Tony Puls |
04-Dec-2008 5:37:15 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Appointment of ASSOB founder as new Director Start Securities Group Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Tony Puls who is the founder of ASSOB, one of Start Securities' subsidiaries, as Director. |
01-Dec-2008 11:46:13 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director's Undertaking - Niederer Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge a Director's Undertaking for Paul Niederer |
21-Nov-2008 1:27:38 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Niederer Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge an Initial Director's Interest Notice for Paul Niederer |
21-Nov-2008 1:27:22 PM |
40999 NSX Notice of Meeting Other - ASIC grants extension of time for Start AGM Start Securities Group Limited has received notification from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) granting an extension of the period within which the Company must hold its AGM,from 30 November 2008 to 31 January 2009. |
17-Nov-2008 12:43:39 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Appointment of new director and new CFO Start Securities Group Limited is pleased to annouce the appointment of Paul Niederer as a director and Susan Williams as CFO. |
16-Nov-2008 5:54:06 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - CORRECTION - Final Director's Interest Notice - McTavish Start Securities Group would like to lodge a final director's interest notice for Brookes McTavish (as a correction to that lodged yesterday). |
14-Nov-2008 10:40:03 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Director's Interest notice - McTavish Start Securities Group Ltd would like to lodge a final director's interest ntoice for Brookes McTavish |
13-Nov-2008 5:45:56 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Mueller Start Securities Group Limited wishes to lodge an initial director's interest notice for Lucas Mueller |
13-Nov-2008 9:11:32 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final director's interest notice - Archer Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge a final director's interest notice for Colin Archer. |
13-Nov-2008 9:10:19 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director declaration and undertaking - Meyer Start Securities Group Ltd would like to lodge a director's statement for Meyer |
11-Nov-2008 6:56:24 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Director declaration and undertaking - Pathmanaban Start Securities Group Ltd would like to lodge a director's statement for Mariapillai Pathmanaban. |
11-Nov-2008 6:55:46 PM |
40350 NSX Prospectus - Supplementary Prospectus Following the announcement that Start Securities Group Limited today lodged a supplementary prospectus with ASIC, we now attach a copy of the document lodged. |
07-Nov-2008 6:53:30 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Initial Directors Interest Notice Appointment of Pathy Pathmanaban as non-executive director |
07-Nov-2008 5:42:16 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Initial Directors Interest Notice Appointment of Peter Meyer as non-executive director |
07-Nov-2008 5:41:34 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Directors Interest Notice Resignation of Robin Golding as executive director |
07-Nov-2008 5:40:58 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - START EARLY STAGE VENTURE CAPITAL FUND RECEIVES CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Start Securities Group Limited is pleased to advise that its application to the Department of Innovation Industry Science and Research for an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership has been conditionally approved. Unconditional approval will occur when other milestones have been reached, including $10 million in investor funds. |
04-Nov-2008 3:42:05 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Consolidation and restructure of subsidiaries Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to announce that that in response to the recent global financial crisis and the subsequent reduced cash flow of its subsidiaries, the directors are undertaking a review and restructure that includes substantially reducing the operating costs of the subsidiaries and eliminating the cash expenses of head office in the short to medium term. The directors are confident that these measures will ensure the businesses ride out the current economic slowdown, support their underlying fundamentals and allow them to emerge more strongly as a result. |
20-Oct-2008 9:10:06 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Directors interest notice - Golding Start Securities Group Limited wishes to advise of a change in the interests of Director Robin Golding. |
07-Oct-2008 2:41:18 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for quotation of additional securities Start Securities Group Limited wishes to apply for quotation for the number of additional securities indicated in the attached form. |
07-Oct-2008 2:39:48 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - 2008 Annual Report 2008 Annual Report |
30-Sep-2008 8:18:30 AM |
40730 NSX Details of Registered Office - Change of Registered Office and Company Secretary Start Securities Group Limited advises that it has changed its registered office (see announcement for details. Further, Start Securities Group Limited advises that Susan Williams has been appointed Company Secretary in place of Terrina Planincic. |
23-Sep-2008 9:45:38 AM |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Updated Top 20 Holders We attach new top 20 shareholder and option holder lists together with the relevant spreads following completion of the merger with Australian Small Scale Offering Board Limited. |
18-Sep-2008 3:42:59 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Director appointment and resignation The directors of Start Securities Group Limited are pleased to announce the appointment of Lucas Olaf Mueller as a Director of the Company. Colin Archer has announced his resignation as a director. |
17-Sep-2008 10:25:23 AM |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Report Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge with the NSX its preliminary final report (as attached). |
15-Sep-2008 8:35:29 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Amended application for quotation of additional securities Start Securities group Ltd wishes to lodge the attached amended application for quotation of additional securities. This application replaces the previous application in respect of the issue of shares on 25 August 2008. |
08-Sep-2008 4:08:54 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Completion of Merger Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to announce that it has completed the merger with ASSOB. |
03-Sep-2008 2:46:55 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Amended application for quotation of additional securities Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge an amended application for qoutation of additional securities following the closure of the ASSOB offer and the escrow of certain securities. |
03-Sep-2008 1:14:03 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interests Notice - Golding Start Securities Group Limited director Robin Golding acquired 129,245 ordinary shares pursuant to the merger with ASSOB. The attached provides notice of this change in interest per s205G of the Corporations Act 2001. |
03-Sep-2008 11:45:04 AM |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Initial substantial shareholder notice - Fortuna Capital Partners Pty Ltd. Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge with the NSX an initial substantial shareholder notice from Fortuna Capital Partners Pty Ltd. |
28-Aug-2008 3:13:32 PM |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Initial substantial shareholder notice - Anthony Franz Lucien Puls Start Securities Group Ltd wishes to lodge with the NSX an initial substantial shareholder notice from Anthony Franz Lucien Puls. |
28-Aug-2008 3:13:07 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Close of ASSOB offer and application for quotation of additional securities The directors of Start Securities Group Limited are pleased to announce that the offer to Australian Small Scale Offerings Board Limited ACN 114 772 020 shareholders pursuant to the replacement short form prospectus lodged with ASIC on 18 August 2008 has closed. As a result of this offer, Start Securities Group Limited will issue a further 129,404,757 ordinary shares. |
26-Aug-2008 4:59:02 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for additional securities Start Securities Group Limited wishes to make the attached application for quotation of additional securities pursuant to the replacement short form prospectus lodged today. |
18-Aug-2008 6:27:42 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for quotation of additional securities Start Securities Group Limited wishes to make the attached application for quotation of additional securities pursuant to the replacement short form prospectus lodged today. |
18-Aug-2008 6:27:22 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Replacement Short Form Prospectus Start Securities Group Limited wishes to advise that a Replacement Short Form Prospectus was lodged with ASIC on 18 August 2008. |
18-Aug-2008 6:27:03 PM |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Pending Replacement Prospectus Start Securities Group Limited wishes to amend the announcement made earlier today by advising that it will now lodge a Replacement Short Form Prospectus with ASIC on Monday, 18 August 2008. |
15-Aug-2008 2:05:26 PM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Application for quotation of additional securities Application for quotation of additional securities following release of securites from escrow |
15-Aug-2008 8:40:56 AM |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Pending Replacement Short Form Prospectus Start Securities Group Limited wishes to advise that it will lodge a Replacement Short Form Prospectus with ASIC on Friday 15 August 2008. The company will make a further market announcement to confirm lodgement of the Replacement Prospectus. |
15-Aug-2008 8:32:00 AM |
40520 NSX Top 20 Shareholders - New Top 20 Share and Optionholders Start Securities Group Limited is announcing to the NSX the new top 20 share and optionholders following the share consolidation. |
04-Aug-2008 4:43:45 PM |
40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Lodgement of Short Form Prospectus Start Securities Group Limited wishes to advise that a Short Form Prospectus was lodged with ASIC at 6.00 pm on Friday 1 August 2008. |
04-Aug-2008 1:58:46 PM |
40325 NSX Capital Reconstruction - Option Consolidation This purpose of this announcement is to advise of a 10 to 1 consoldation of the start securities options. |
25-Jul-2008 1:58:00 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Inital Directors Interest Notice Inital Directors Interest Notice |
01-Jul-2008 2:41:37 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Undertaking Directors Undertaking |
01-Jul-2008 2:41:22 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration Directors Declaration |
01-Jul-2008 9:47:32 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Inital Director's Interest Notice Inital Director's Interest Notice |
01-Jul-2008 9:47:12 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40816 NSX Nominated Adviser Appointment/Resignation - Change of NOMAD Change of NOMAD |
30-Jun-2008 12:50:49 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Directors Interest Notice Final Directors Interest Notice |
30-Jun-2008 12:50:35 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Directors Interest Notice Final Directors Interest Notice |
30-Jun-2008 12:50:21 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Director Appointment and Resignation Director Appointment and Resignation |
30-Jun-2008 12:49:46 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of EGM Results of EGM |
27-Jun-2008 10:03:39 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Supplementary Notice of Meeting Supplementary Notice of Meeting |
24-Jun-2008 4:57:31 PM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Market Sensitive Announcements. Trading Halt - Market Sensitive Announcements. |
26-Sep-2007 11:59:54 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading halt pending announcement Trading halt pending announcement |
12-Mar-2007 11:13:24 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Annual Report for Year ended 30th June 2006 Annual Report for Year ended 30th June 2006 |
29-Sep-2006 10:06:45 AM |
AOBOPrice Sensitive |
40315 NSX Placement - Placement to Raise working capital Placement to Raise working capital |
13-Feb-2006 5:04:48 PM |