REVENUE | | | | | | | | |
Revenue from activities/operations | 289,638 | 549,478 | 841,829 | 868,801 | | 1,710,266 | | |
Interest Received | 6,301 | 2,306 | 267 | | | 6,241 | | 10,619 |
Other Revenue | 10,500 | 9,699 | 540 | 33,473 | 11,527 | | | |
Total Revenue | |
Cost of sales | | | | | | | | |
Cost of sales | (3,050) | (26,950) | (41,244) | (4,803) | (27,250) | (582,039) | | |
Total Cost of Sales | | |
Gross Profit | |
EXPENSES | | | | | | | | |
Employee Benefits Expense | (326,069) | (365,981) | (426,918) | (386,435) | (258,067) | (883,176) | | (18,000) |
Depreciation | (55,651) | (40,384) | (39,240) | (33,947) | (40,989) | (40,286) | | |
Amortisation and impairments | | | | | | (3,202,448) | | |
Professional Expenses | (158,341) | (43,337) | (37,501) | (35,630) | (183,102) | | | |
Marketing & promotion | (4,432) | (6,965) | (25,588) | (20,039) | (6,354) | (91,451) | (1,028) | (15,728) |
Listing Fees | | | | | | | (5,998) | (9,443) |
Occupancy/Property Expenses | (51,535) | (67,959) | (74,015) | (33,014) | (46,521) | (179,030) | | |
Auditor Remuneration | | | | | | | (10,500) | (10,500) |
Bad & doubtful debts | (14,583) | (15,782) | (18,330) | (60,303) | | | | |
Financing costs | (45,899) | (44,849) | (37,512) | (35,828) | (39,544) | (27,820) | | |
Other Expenses | (120,362) | (259,860) | (349,663) | (409,534) | (377,883) | (1,549,952) | (161,167) | (361,111) |
Total Expenses |
PROFIT / (LOSS) | | | | | | | | |
Profit/Loss before income tax | (473,483) | (310,584) | (207,375) | (117,259) | 3,591 | (4,811,875) | (178,693) | (404,163) |
Income tax/benefit expense | 23,815 | (14,941) | 80,455 | 136,523 | 116,783 | 24,573 | | |
Profit/Loss after income tax |
Profit/Loss attributable to members of parent | | | | 19,264 | 120,374 | (4,787,302) | (178,693) | (404,163) |
Total Comprehensive Income |
ASSETS | | | | | | | | |
Current Assets | | | | | | | | |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 73,602 | 49,144 | 30,869 | 41,520 | 45,486 | 33,799 | 554 | 44,658 |
Trade and Other Receivables | 31,792 | 691,416 | 86,428 | 74,157 | 77,408 | 61,988 | | 133,197 |
Financial Assets | 60,125 | 6,400 | | 21,893 | 122,459 | 21,550 | | |
Total Current Assets |
Non-Current Assets | | | | | | | | |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 26,008 | 36,623 | 52,010 | 62,358 | 81,102 | 120,371 | | |
Deferred Tax Assets | | | 38,177 | 44,749 | 54,587 | 38,713 | | |
Deposits held | | | 26,208 | | | | | |
Intangible Assets | 44,268 | 78,679 | 99,260 | 94,445 | 87,667 | 82,032 | | |
Total Non-Current Assets | | |
Total Assets |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | | |
Current Liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Trade and other payables | 148,287 | 236,101 | 153,120 | 75,637 | 261,725 | 432,165 | | |
Provisions | 44,048 | 62,842 | 56,139 | 14,860 | 46,553 | 12,000 | | |
Financial Liabilities | | | | | | | 1,392 | |
Borrowings | | 60,000 | 35,000 | | | 24,191 | | |
Employee Benefits | | | | 36,250 | 8,945 | 11,981 | | |
Total Current Liabilities | |
Non-Current Liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Borrowings | 456,501 | 456,501 | 454,002 | 454,002 | 415,313 | | | |
Employee Benefits | | | | 3,612 | 663 | 1,357 | | |
Long term-provisions | 8,758 | 4,710 | 6,750 | | | 199,457 | | |
Total Non-Current Liabilities | | |
Total Liabilities | |
EQUITY | | | | | | | | |
Issued Capital | 16,017,933 | 16,032,172 | 15,292,480 | 15,292,480 | 15,292,480 | 15,290,647 | 10,825,200 | 10,825,200 |
Retained Earnings | (16,439,732) | (15,990,064) | (15,664,539) | (15,537,718) | (15,556,970) | (15,613,344) | (10,826,038) | (10,647,345) |
Total Equity |
CASH FLOW | | | | | | | | |
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities | (510,565) | (145,192) | (7,629) | (82,166) | 33,551 | (158,078) | (44,104) | (385,408) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities | (11,346) | 153,548 | (38,022) | (27,339) | (17,666) | (42,134) | | |
Net Cash provided by (used in) financing activities | 546,369 | 9,918 | 35,000 | 105,544 | (4,198) | 233,457 | | 50,000 |
Net Increase (decrease) in cash held | 24,458 | 18,274 | (10,651) | (3,961) | 11,687 | 33,245 | (44,104) | (335,408) |
Cash at the beginning of the period | 49,144 | 30,869 | 41,520 | 45,481 | 33,794 | 554 | 44,658 | 380,066 |
Cash at the end of the period |