LabTech Systems Limited

  • LAST
    7-Oct-2005 10:29:52 AM

Announcements For LTS

Code Headline Release Date


Price Sensitive
40099 NSX Official List Other - ASX Listing Scheduled for 31 July 2006
Subject to satisfying certain standard pre-listing conditions, the company is on track to list on the ASX on 31 July 2006.
26-Jul-2006 11:56:03 AM;20060726115603


40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities
End of Restriction Period; release of 12-month Escrow.
20-Jun-2006 7:57:50 AM;20060620075750


40750 NSX Details of Share Registry - Change of Share Register Address Notification
Advising changed address and facsimile number for the company's share registrar, Link Market Services, effective 19 June 2006.
20-Jun-2006 7:55:23 AM;20060620075523


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Supplementary Prospectus dated 2 May 2006
Copy of the Supplementary Prospectus lodged with ASIC on 2 May 2006.
03-May-2006 3:57:29 PM;20060503155729


Price Sensitive
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Company suspended from Official Quotation pending their lising on the ASX.
Company suspended from Official Quotation pending their lising on the ASX.
03-Apr-2006 8:30:38 AM;20060403083038


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Closing of Prospectus Offer
The Offer, made under the Prospectus dated 31 October 2005 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 19 January 2006, closed on Friday 24 March 2006.
27-Mar-2006 12:42:31 PM;20060327124231


Price Sensitive
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2005
Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2005
16-Mar-2006 6:07:17 PM;20060316180717


40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to Price Sensitive announcement received during trading hours.
Trading Halt due to Price Sensitive announcement received during trading hours.
20-Feb-2006 1:12:45 PM;20060220131245


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Extension of Offer to 24 March 2006
The Offer, made under the Prospectus dated 31 October 2005, has been extended to Friday 24 March 2006.
20-Feb-2006 1:08:56 PM;20060220130856


Price Sensitive
40365 NSX Extension of Offer - Extension of Prospectus Offer
The Offer made under the Prospectus dated 31 October 2005 is being extended to Monday 20 February 2006.
31-Jan-2006 4:06:56 PM;20060131160656


40360 NSX Disclosure Document - Revised Supplementary Prospectus
Revised Supplementary Prospectus
25-Jan-2006 8:56:01 AM;20060125085601


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Supplementary Prospectus
Supplementary Prospectus lodged with ASIC 19 January 2006.
20-Jan-2006 8:03:43 AM;20060120080343


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Labtech ASX Prospectus
Labtech ASX Prospectus
23-Dec-2005 9:25:23 AM;20051223092523


40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours.
Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours.
23-Dec-2005 9:16:38 AM;20051223091638


Price Sensitive
40365 NSX Extension of Offer - Extension of Prospectus Offer
The Directors are extending the Offer to 31 January 2006
22-Dec-2005 3:22:05 PM;20051222152205


40365 NSX Extension of Offer - Extension of Prospectus Offer
The Directors have decided to extend the offer, made under the Prospectus dated 31 October 2005, to Thursday 22 December 2005. This may be subject to further change at the discretion of the Directors.
05-Dec-2005 7:55:53 AM;20051205075553


Price Sensitive
40350 NSX Prospectus - Prospectus lodged with ASIC
A Prospectus was lodged today with ASIC. The purpose of the Prospectus is to raise funds for the further development and commercialisation of the Company's MicroStreak technology, for application in microbiology laboratory automation.
31-Oct-2005 7:19:09 PM;20051031191909


Price Sensitive
40335 NSX Alteration to Issued Capital - Application for Quotation of Additional Securities
Application for quotation of additional securities
13-Oct-2005 5:54:28 PM;20051013175428


Price Sensitive
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Form 603 Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder
Notice of Initial Substantial Shareholder
13-Oct-2005 5:05:20 PM;20051013170520


40814 NSX Company Secretary Appointment/Resignation - Change to Company Details
Appointment of Mr Paul Mansfield as Company Secretary
13-Oct-2005 5:00:21 PM;20051013170021


Price Sensitive
40310 NSX Bonus Issue - Bonus Issue
13-Oct-2005 4:56:40 PM;20051013165640


Price Sensitive
40315 NSX Placement - Placement
13-Oct-2005 4:54:49 PM;20051013165449


Price Sensitive
40380 NSX Exercise of Options - Exercise of Options
13-Oct-2005 4:30:24 PM;20051013163024


40940 NSX Proxy Form - Revised Proxy Form
Revised Proxy Form: AGM now being held at 3:00pm on 16 November 2005 at 253 Sturt Street, Adelaide.
13-Oct-2005 3:44:47 PM;20051013154447


40950 NSX Alteration to Notice of Meeting - Revised Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of LabTech Systems Ltd will be held at 253 Sturt Street, Adelaide, on Wednesday 16 November 2005 at 3:00pm
13-Oct-2005 3:42:43 PM;20051013154243


40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Letter to Shareholders regarding Revised Notice of AGM
Please be advised that LabTech Systems has revised its Notice of Annual General Meeting. The AGM has been rescheduled from 26 October to 3:00pm on November 16 at 253 Sturt Street, Adelaide SA 5000.
13-Oct-2005 3:36:39 PM;20051013153639


40940 NSX Proxy Form - Proxy Form
Proxy Form for Appointment of Proxy
05-Oct-2005 1:41:42 PM;20051005134142


40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Wednesday 26 October 2005
05-Oct-2005 1:37:52 PM;20051005133752


Price Sensitive
40499 NSX Assets Other - Demerger Announcement
Share holders at today’s General Meeting voted unanimously in favour of the previously announced demerger proposal. Share holders also voted to encourage ASX listing for LabTech Systems.
22-Sep-2005 4:52:03 PM;20050922165203


Price Sensitive
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - LabTech Systems 2005 Annual Report
Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2005
22-Sep-2005 4:30:19 PM;20050922163019


Price Sensitive
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Report
13-Sep-2005 5:46:52 PM;20050913174652


40999 NSX Notice of Meeting Other - Notice of General Meeting.
Notice of General Meeting.
25-Aug-2005 12:41:23 PM;20050825124123


40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Appointment of New Director
The directors wish to appoint Ms Kate Costello to the Board of LabTech Systems Ltd. Kate is a lawyer and has over 20 years experience in corporate governance and strategy. She has significant board experience including directorships and as chairman.
18-Aug-2005 9:41:00 AM;20050818094100


40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading halt due to price sensitive annoucnement received during trading hours.
Trading halt due to price sensitive annoucnement received during trading hours.
10-Aug-2005 10:14:09 AM;20050810101409


Price Sensitive
40450 NSX Major Contract Notice - MicroStreak Commencement of Work
LabTech Systems has entered into a contract for the first stage of a commercial instrument development program. The proposed MicroStreak® system will incorporate the unique patented core MicroStreak® technology. This work has now commenced with Invetech Pty Ltd of Mt Waverley, Melbourne ( Invetech has a 16 year track record of developing commercially successful biomedical instruments for leading international companies, and is a member of the ASX listed Vision Systems technology group.
10-Aug-2005 10:03:25 AM;20050810100325


Price Sensitive
40780 NSX Principal Activities Change Notification - Proposal for Demerger
The Directors of LabTech Systems Ltd are considering the setting up of a new company and the transfer of the APOMAB anti-cancer technology into that company, to be known as Apomab Ltd.
09-Aug-2005 11:01:52 AM;20050809110152


40499 NSX Assets Other - Registration of APOMAB Trade Mark
LabTech Systems has obtained registration of APOMAB as trade mark for its ant-cancer platform technology.
08-Aug-2005 11:15:14 AM;20050808111514


Price Sensitive
40450 NSX Major Contract Notice - Technology Development Contract for Automated MicroStreak System
LabTech Systems has entered into a contract for the first stage of a commercial instrument development program. The proposed MicroStreak® system will incorporate the unique patented core MicroStreak® technology.
06-Jul-2005 4:19:00 PM;20050706161900


40499 NSX Assets Other - Commercial Development of MicroStreak
The company is proceeding to investigate commercial partners to manufacture laboratory instrumentation systems incorporating its patented MicroStreak technology.
30-Jun-2005 10:02:18 AM;20050630100218


40499 NSX Assets Other - Registration of MicroStreak trade mark
LabTech Systems has received an official Certificate of Registration for the MicroStreak® trade mark in Australia.
23-Jun-2005 2:19:56 PM;20050623141956


Price Sensitive
40310 NSX Bonus Issue - Bonus Issue LTS, LTSOA, LTSOB
01-Jun-2005 4:22:02 PM;20050601162202


40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Form 603 - Change in substantial shareholder notice
Form 603 - Change in substantial shareholder notice
05-May-2005 12:43:28 PM;20050505124328


40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Initial substantial shareholder notices x 3
Initial substantial shareholder notices x 3
29-Apr-2005 6:57:00 PM;20050429185700


40499 NSX Assets Other - MicroStreak Technology: Prototype Robotic Developed
LTS has successfully completed the development of a prototype robotic instrument that incorporates its patented MicroStreak technology for the automated inoculation and streaking of specimens on to standard agar culture plates.
22-Apr-2005 1:11:53 PM;20050422131153


40499 NSX Assets Other - ARRM Announcement
ARRM was engaged by LTS to develop a prototype robotic for the patented LTS technology known as MicroStreak. Commercial development of the MicroStreak technology has not been affected by the ARRM announcement.
22-Apr-2005 9:19:23 AM;20050422091923


40499 NSX Assets Other - MicroStreak Prototype Applicator Brush Developed
LabTech Systems has successfully developed a prototype applicator (MicroStreak) for automated, rapid inoculation and streaking of microbial specimens on to standard agar plates.
21-Apr-2005 12:31:38 PM;20050421123138


40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests x 3
Initial Director's Interests x 3
19-Apr-2005 4:50:28 PM;20050419165028


40020 NSX Commencement of Official Quotation - Commencement of Quotation
Commencement of Quotation
11-Apr-2005 4:28:05 PM;20050411162805