40060 NSX Removal from Official List - Delisting Notice Delisting Notice |
14-Nov-2008 11:24:50 AM;20081114112450 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Suspension from quotation Suspension from quotation - request of the company |
25-Mar-2008 8:38:39 AM;20080325083839 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Shareholder update
24-Mar-2008 2:05:18 PM;20080324140518 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading halt for failure to lodge half year report Trading halt for failure to lodge half year report |
17-Mar-2008 11:35:32 AM;20080317113532 |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of Annual General Meeting Results of annual General Meeting |
18-Dec-2007 2:05:35 PM;20071218140535 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Audited Annual report June 2007
11-Nov-2007 6:14:33 PM;20071111181433 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary/Final Statement Preliminary/Final Statement |
30-Oct-2007 4:06:59 PM;20071030160659 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Update on the release of Financial Reports for 30 June 2007. Update on the release of Financial Reports for 30 June 2007. |
05-Oct-2007 1:14:22 PM;20071005131422 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Failure to lodge 2007 Annual Report Failure to lodge 2007 Annual Report |
01-Oct-2007 9:17:33 AM;20071001091733 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt Pending Release of Preliminary Final Report Trading Halt Pending Release of Preliminary Final Report |
17-Sep-2007 9:06:19 AM;20070917090619 |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Failure to pay Annual Listing Fee Trading Halt - Failure to pay Annual Listing Fee |
03-Sep-2007 11:26:55 AM;20070903112655 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40051 NSX Reinstatement to Official Quotation - Suspension Lifted Suspension Lifted effective 27th June 2007 |
26-Jun-2007 3:04:19 PM;20070626150419 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40081 NSX Response to Query - Response to Query on Half Yearly Report Response to Query on Half Yearly Report |
25-Jun-2007 1:49:52 PM;20070625134952 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40080 NSX Query - Query on Half Yearly Report Query on Half Yearly Report |
25-Jun-2007 1:49:28 PM;20070625134928 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Half Year Report 31Dec2007 Half Year Report for period ended 31 December 2007 |
14-Jun-2007 1:57:28 PM;20070614135728 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Update on date for release of Accounts Update on date for release of Accounts |
06-Jun-2007 1:03:21 PM;20070606130321 |
40599 NSX Periodic Disclosure Other - Delay in release of audited accounts Delay in release of audited accounts |
22-May-2007 3:10:40 PM;20070522151040 |
40599 NSX Periodic Disclosure Other - Delay in Audited Accounts Delay in Audited Accounts |
10-Apr-2007 8:48:05 AM;20070410084805 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - Half Year Financial Reports not received Trading Halt - Half Year Financial Reports not received |
19-Mar-2007 8:59:29 AM;20070319085929 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Sean Corbin Initial Director's Interest Notice - Sean Corbin |
05-Feb-2007 11:45:30 AM;20070205114530 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Final Director's Interest Notice - Kevin Wunsh Final Director's Interest Notice - Kevin Wunsh |
05-Feb-2007 10:47:49 AM;20070205104749 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Resignation of Mr Kevin Wunsh Resignation of Mr Kevin Wunsh |
05-Feb-2007 8:21:38 AM;20070205082138 |
40720 NSX Details of Company Address - Change of Address Change of Address |
11-Dec-2006 2:02:55 PM;20061211140255 |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of Annual General Meeting Results of Annual General Meeting |
04-Dec-2006 11:43:01 AM;20061204114301 |
40950 NSX Alteration to Notice of Meeting - Annual General Meeting to be held 4 December 2006 Annual General Meeting to be held 4 December 2006 |
27-Nov-2006 9:58:56 AM;20061127095856 |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of AGM Notice of AGM |
03-Nov-2006 2:30:00 PM;20061103143000 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40031 NSX Trading Halt Status - Removal of Trading Halt Removal of Trading Halt |
06-Oct-2006 10:53:38 AM;20061006105338 |
40510 NSX Annual Report - King Equipment Annual Report
06-Oct-2006 10:01:36 AM;20061006100136 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt Trading Halt - Failue to Release Finacial Report to 30 June 2006 |
02-Oct-2006 9:34:04 AM;20061002093404 |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Report - King Equipment
14-Sep-2006 7:04:42 AM;20060914070442 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Directors Interests - Siegfried Konig
06-Jun-2006 2:34:34 PM;20060606143434 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - King Appoints New Director
05-Jun-2006 5:15:39 PM;20060605171539 |
40399 NSX Issued Capital Other - KEL - Quotation of Additional Securities KEL - Quotation of Additional Securities |
04-May-2006 8:42:12 AM;20060504084212 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40350 NSX Prospectus - Rights Prospectus for King Equipment Ltd. Rights Prospectus for King Equipment Ltd. |
26-Apr-2006 11:16:22 AM;20060426111622 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement received during trading hours. |
26-Apr-2006 11:04:48 AM;20060426110448 |
40340 NSX Non-Renounceable Issue - King Announces Rights Issue Prospectus
26-Apr-2006 11:06:31 AM;20060426110631 |
40550 NSX Half Yearly Report Audit Review - King Equipment Half Year Report Audit Reviewed
16-Mar-2006 7:13:21 PM;20060316191321 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Non-Executive Director Resignation On 21st January 2006 the company received a resignation notice from William (Ewart) Sylvester. He is currently working on other projects and does not have the time to contribute to King as its non-executive director. A replacement has not been put forward at this time. Mr Sean Corbin and Mr Robert Joseph will continue as non-executive directors with Mr Siegfried Konig as the Company's CEO and Chairman. |
28-Feb-2006 11:11:03 AM;20060228111103 |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of Annual General Meeting
29-Nov-2005 7:09:59 PM;20051129190959 |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Notice of Annual General Meeting - King Equipment 28 November 2005 Notice of Annual General Meeting - King Equipment 28 November 2005 |
28-Oct-2005 3:41:40 PM;20051028154140 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - New Director's Initial Interests New Director's Initial Interests |
28-Oct-2005 3:41:15 PM;20051028154115 |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - New Director Declaration - Mr Robert Joseph
28-Oct-2005 1:21:15 PM;20051028132115 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - New Director Appointment
26-Oct-2005 3:42:52 PM;20051026154252 |
40910 NSX Notice of Annual General Meeting - Change to Date of Annual General Meeting
18-Oct-2005 12:42:30 PM;20051018124230 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - King Equipment Annual Report 2004-2005
03-Oct-2005 7:00:14 PM;20051003190014 |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement rececived during trading hours. Trading Halt due to price sensitive announcement rececived during trading hours. |
13-Sep-2005 9:47:56 AM;20050913094756 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - PRELIMINARY FINAL REPORT King Equipments Preliminary Report |
13-Sep-2005 9:39:03 AM;20050913093903 |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of EGM
12-Aug-2005 5:40:34 PM;20050812174034 |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - 12 August 2005
16-Jul-2005 12:17:16 PM;20050716121716 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - NOTICE OF EGM AND UPDATE ON CAPITAL RAISING NSX and Media announcement
15 July 2005
King Equipment Limited (KEL) will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday 12 August 2005. The agenda items are:
1. Approval of Convertible Note Issue;
2. Approval of Share/Option Issue to Chief Operations Officer;
3. Approval of Share Issue to Farwest Equities Pty Ltd;
4. Change of Company Name to King Equipment Distribution Limited.
KEL has mailed the Notice of Meeting to Shareholders.
KEL announced on 18 May 2005 that the Company intended to raise capital by way of a Rights Issue Prospectus to be underwritten by IMC Industries. KEL now intends to raise capital by way of a Convertible Note Issue, the terms of which are to be approved by shareholders at the EGM.
CONTACT: For further information or comment, please phone Executive Chairman, Siegfried Konig, on 07 3275 1880 or 0411 111 193
16-Jul-2005 12:17:08 PM;20050716121708 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
19-May-2005 3:38:53 PM;20050519153853 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interests
28-Feb-2005 12:15:29 PM;20050228121529 |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Substantial Shareholder Notice
08-Feb-2005 9:45:49 AM;20050208094549 |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Substantial Shareholder Notice
08-Feb-2005 9:45:31 AM;20050208094531 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest
08-Feb-2005 9:45:22 AM;20050208094522 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interests
08-Feb-2005 9:45:02 AM;20050208094502 |
KELPrice Sensitive |
40450 NSX Major Contract Notice - King Secures Jonyang Exclusive Distributorship
08-Feb-2005 8:47:29 AM;20050208084729 |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration
08-Feb-2005 8:47:08 AM;20050208084708 |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration
08-Feb-2005 8:47:02 AM;20050208084702 |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration
08-Feb-2005 8:46:53 AM;20050208084653 |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Substantial Shareholder
08-Feb-2005 8:46:45 AM;20050208084645 |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Substantial Shareholder
08-Feb-2005 8:46:38 AM;20050208084638 |
40520 NSX Top 20 Shareholders - Top 20 Shareholders
08-Feb-2005 8:46:31 AM;20050208084631 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest
08-Feb-2005 8:46:24 AM;20050208084624 |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Directors Interest
08-Feb-2005 8:46:16 AM;20050208084616 |
40020 NSX Commencement of Official Quotation - Commencement of Official Quotation Commencement of Official Quotation - Ordinary and Option Securities. |
06-Feb-2005 1:19:10 PM;20050206131910 |