41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Expiry of Debt Securities - ASJ1AB Expiry of Debt Securities - ASJ1AB |
24-Apr-2009 10:20:46 AM;20090424102046 |
40050 NSX Suspension from Official Quotation - Suspension notification. Suspension notification. |
23-Apr-2009 11:00:29 AM;20090423110029 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Interest Rate Annoucement - Effective May 2009 Interest Rate Annoucement - Effective May 2009 |
09-Apr-2009 2:18:08 PM;20090409141808 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2008 Angas Securities Limited Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2008 |
02-Mar-2009 4:34:59 PM;20090302163459 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40540 NSX Half Yearly Report - Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2008 Angas Securities Limited Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2008 |
02-Mar-2009 4:33:14 PM;20090302163314 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Notice Change in Director's Interest - PMcC Notice Change in Director's Interest - PMcC |
17-Feb-2009 9:35:49 AM;20090217093549 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Interest Rate Announcement - ASJ Interest Rate Announcement - ASJ |
16-Feb-2009 8:16:08 PM;20090216201608 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40520 NSX Top 20 Shareholders - Top 10 shareholders Additional information to the 2008 Annual Report - Top 10 Shareholders |
21-Jan-2009 12:57:48 PM;20090121125748 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40520 NSX Top 20 Shareholders - Top 10 shareholders Addition information to the 2008 Annual Report - Top 10 shareholders |
21-Jan-2009 12:56:42 PM;20090121125642 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Interest Rate Annoucement - ASJ Interest Rate Annoucement - ASJ |
16-Dec-2008 4:25:45 PM;20081216162545 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Redeemable Preference Share Redeemable Preference Share |
26-Nov-2008 12:17:54 PM;20081126121754 |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder - MJH Change in Substantial Shareholder - MJH Form 604 |
13-Oct-2008 2:47:26 PM;20081013144726 |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder - Jeparit Change in Substantial Shareholder - Jeparit Form 604 |
13-Oct-2008 2:46:21 PM;20081013144621 |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder - AL-S Change in Substantial Shareholder - AL-S Form 604 |
13-Oct-2008 2:44:42 PM;20081013144442 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest - MJH Change in Director's Interest - MJH |
13-Oct-2008 2:40:06 PM;20081013144006 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest - KJL Change in Director's Interest - KJL |
13-Oct-2008 2:38:31 PM;20081013143831 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interest - AL-S Change in Director's Interest - AL-S |
13-Oct-2008 2:36:16 PM;20081013143616 |
40560 NSX Quarterly Report - Issuer Quarterly Reporting - Sep 2008 Issuer Quarterly Reporting - Sep 2008 |
13-Oct-2008 2:12:44 PM;20081013141244 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40510 NSX Annual Report - Angas Securities Limited Financials FYE 30 June 2008 Angas Securities Limited Financials FYE 30 June 2008 |
30-Sep-2008 12:45:57 PM;20080930124557 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement FYE 30 June 2008 Angas Securities Limited Preliminary Final Statement FYE 30 June 2008 |
10-Sep-2008 4:59:08 PM;20080910165908 |
ASJ1ABPrice Sensitive |
40530 NSX Preliminary/Final Statement - Preliminary Final Statement FYE 30 June 2008 Angas Securities Limited Preliminary Final Statement FYE 30 June 2008 |
10-Sep-2008 4:58:15 PM;20080910165815 |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Director Resignation RBM Director Resignation RBM |
21-Jul-2008 2:03:06 PM;20080721140306 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Notice Change of Director's Interest - RBM Notice Change of Director's Interest - RBM |
11-Jul-2008 12:15:58 PM;20080711121558 |
40130 NSX Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder - RBM Notice of Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder - RBM |
11-Jul-2008 12:15:42 PM;20080711121542 |
40110 NSX Becoming a Substantial Shareholder - Notice of Initial Substantial Holder PMcC Notice of Initial Substantial Holder PMcC |
11-Jul-2008 12:15:28 PM;20080711121528 |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Paid Up Partly Paid Shares Paid Up Partly Paid Shares |
04-Jul-2008 3:20:48 PM;20080704152048 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Declaration of Shareholder Dividend Declaration of Shareholder Dividend |
03-Jul-2008 2:52:44 PM;20080703145244 |
40799 NSX Details Other - Company Constitution Amended to Facilitate Partly Paid Share Issues Company Constitution Amended to Facilitate Partly Paid Share Issues |
30-Jun-2008 12:16:49 PM;20080630121649 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Rescission of Declaration of Shareholder Dividend Rescission of Declaration of Shareholder Dividend |
29-Jun-2008 6:17:29 PM;20080629181729 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Declaration of Shareholder Dividend Declaration of Shareholder Dividend |
12-Jun-2008 4:19:01 PM;20080612161901 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Share Allocation - Partly Paid Shares Share Allocation - Partly Paid Shares |
12-Jun-2008 12:13:24 PM;20080612121324 |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Declaration of Dividend Declaration of Dividend |
12-Jun-2008 12:13:12 PM;20080612121312 |
40999 NSX Notice of Meeting Other - Notice of Meeting of Shareholders - Amendment to Constitution Notice of Meeting of Shareholders - Amendment to Constitution |
12-Jun-2008 12:11:54 PM;20080612121154 |
40999 NSX Notice of Meeting Other - Notice of Meeting of Shareholders Share Buy-Back |
12-Jun-2008 11:30:27 AM;20080612113027 |
40517 NSX Letter to Shareholder's - May 2008 Newsletter May 2008 Newsletter |
14-May-2008 3:00:50 PM;20080514150050 |