Code | Headline | Release Date |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt - extension Extension of Trading Halt |
09-Sep-2013 10:28:45 AM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt VAX extension of trading halt pending conclusion of negotiations and further announcement |
05-Sep-2013 9:59:09 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - Shareholder Update 27 August 2013 Shareholder Update - 27 August 2013 - Credit Elect Indonesian Joint Venture |
27-Aug-2013 3:13:37 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interests - Ilmars Draudins Change in Director's interests as a result of consolidation of shares and issue of options. |
26-Aug-2013 3:23:28 PM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Director's Interests - Simon Van Assche Change in Director's Interests as a result of consolidation of shares and issue of options |
26-Aug-2013 11:48:01 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder interest Change in substantial shareholder interest as a result of consolidation of shares - BeetRoute Australia Pty Ltd and associated entities/trusts |
26-Aug-2013 11:47:28 AM |
40120 NSX Change in Substantial Shareholder - Change in Substantial Shareholder Interest Change as a result of consolidation of shares - Custodian Company Pty Ltd and associated trusts/entities |
26-Aug-2013 11:45:30 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change in Directors Interests - Christine Hicks Change in Director's interests as a result of share consolidation and issue of options |
26-Aug-2013 11:43:50 AM |
40150 NSX Section 205G Notice Change in Director's Interests - Change of Director's Interests - David Hickie Change of Director's interests as a result of share consolidation and issue of options |
26-Aug-2013 11:43:47 AM |
41999 NSX General Market Disclosure Other - VAX Shareholder Update 23 August 2013 Shareholder update - Credit Elect Indonesian Joint Venture |
23-Aug-2013 3:59:43 PM |
40320 NSX Issues to Public - Consolidation of Shares Consolidation of Shares |
22-Aug-2013 9:06:16 AM |
40320 NSX Issues to Public - Issue of Director's Options Issue of Director's Options |
22-Aug-2013 9:04:51 AM |
40930 NSX Results of Meeting - Results of EGM held 16 August 2013 Results of the VAX EGM held on 16 August 2013 for (1) approval of consolidation of shares on a 10 to 1 basis and (2) issue of options |
20-Aug-2013 1:39:37 PM |
40940 NSX Proxy Form - Proxy Form for Extraordinary General Meeting Proxy Form for Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 16 August 2013 |
18-Jul-2013 9:08:13 AM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Friday 16 August 2013 |
18-Jul-2013 9:07:28 AM |
40940 NSX Proxy Form - VAX Proxy Form VAX Proxy Form for Extraordinary General Meeting to be held 21 May 2013 |
15-Apr-2013 10:24:32 AM |
40920 NSX Notice of Extraordinary Meeting - Notice of Extraordinary Meeting Notice of EGM to be held on 21 May 2013 |
15-Apr-2013 10:24:26 AM |
40340 NSX Non Renounceable Issue - Letter to Shareholders Letter regarding Non-Renounceable Rights Issue dated 12 April 2013, Shareholders Privilege Card and EGM |
15-Apr-2013 10:24:19 AM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Directors Declaration - S van Assche Directors Declaration - S van Assche |
05-Mar-2013 3:16:47 PM |
40023 NSX Director's Declaration & Undertaking - Director's Declaration & Undertaking - I Draudins Director's Declaration & Undertaking - I Draudins |
26-Feb-2013 9:03:15 AM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests - S van Assche Initial Director's Interests - S van Assche |
25-Feb-2013 3:34:10 PM |
40140 NSX Section 205G Notice Initial/Final Director's Interests - Initial Director's Interests - I Draudins Initial Director's Interests - I Draudins |
25-Feb-2013 2:28:16 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Director's Interests - C Wantrup Final Director's Interests - C Wantrup |
25-Feb-2013 2:27:16 PM |
40810 NSX Director Appointment/Resignation - Final Director's Interests - R Green Final Director's Interests - R Green |
25-Feb-2013 2:26:14 PM |
40799 NSX Details Other - Appointment of New Directors and Company Secretary, Ch Appointment of New Directors and Company Secretary, Change of Registered Office and Director Resignations |
25-Feb-2013 2:25:10 PM |
40030 NSX Trading Halt - Trading Halt due to Company not releasing Premlinary Final Report - 30 June 2012 Trading Halt due to Company not releasing Premlinary Final Report - 30 June 2012 |
14-Sep-2012 10:06:08 AM |