Octanex Options $0.25 30JUN2009

  • LAST
    30-Sep-2008 3:10:40 PM

Issued Capital Details

Details of issued shares and other capital of the Issuer and whether the security is quoted or unquoted.

Security Event Date Type Description Issued Total Securities Reference Status
OCT 16-Jan-2004 Float Fully Paid Ordinary 34,484,729 34,484,729 LISTED
OCT 22-Apr-2004 Placement Working Capital 200,000 34,684,729 LISTED
OCT 3-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 311,032 34,995,761 LISTED
OCT 9-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 377,143 35,372,904 LISTED
OCT 18-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 1,264,784 36,637,688 LISTED
OCT 24-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 1,132,784 37,770,472 LISTED
OCT 30-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 409,549 38,180,021 LISTED
OCT 18-Apr-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 11,473,946 49,653,967 LISTED
OCT 30-Jun-2008 Conversion Conversion of OCTOB options 902,870 50,556,837 LISTED
OCT 20-Mar-2009 Placement Acquire shares of Strata Resources 120,803,657 171,360,494 LISTED
OCT 7-Jul-2009 Exercise of Options Exercise of Options 67,610 171,428,104 LISTED
OCT 8-Jul-2009 OIS Allotment OIS Allotment 5,000,000 176,428,104 LISTED
OCT 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -176,428,104 0 LISTED
Total OCT Listed: 0
Total OCT Unlisted: 0
Current OCT Issued Capital: 0
OCTOA 16-Jan-2004 Float Free attaching option 20,518,750 20,518,750 LISTED
OCTOA 22-Apr-2004 Placement Free attaching to ordinaries 200,000 20,718,750 LISTED
OCTOA 3-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -311,032 20,407,718 LISTED
OCTOA 9-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -377,343 20,030,375 LISTED
OCTOA 18-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -1,264,784 18,765,591 LISTED
OCTOA 24-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -1,132,784 17,632,807 LISTED
OCTOA 30-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -409,549 17,223,258 LISTED
OCTOA 18-Apr-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A -11,473,946 5,749,312 LISTED
OCTOA 18-Apr-2005 Redemption Exercise of Options - A -5,749,312 0 LISTED
Total OCTOA Listed: 0
Total OCTOA Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOA Issued Capital: 0
OCTOB 16-Jan-2004 Float Options $0.25 30JUN2009 15,075,058 15,075,058 LISTED
OCTOB 22-Apr-2004 Placement Free attaching to ordinaries 200,000 15,275,058 LISTED
OCTOB 3-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 311,032 15,586,090 LISTED
OCTOB 9-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 377,143 15,963,233 LISTED
OCTOB 18-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 1,264,784 17,228,017 LISTED
OCTOB 24-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 1,132,784 18,360,801 LISTED
OCTOB 30-Mar-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 409,549 18,770,350 LISTED
OCTOB 18-Apr-2005 Conversion Exercise of Options - A 11,473,946 30,244,296 LISTED
OCTOB 30-Jun-2008 Expiry Expiry of options -1,236,716 29,007,580 LISTED
OCTOB 30-Jun-2008 Expired Expired -29,007,580 0 LISTED
Total OCTOB Listed: 0
Total OCTOB Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOB Issued Capital: 0
OCTOC 19-Dec-2007 New Issue Options $0.40 30JUN2009 750,000 750,000 UNLISTED
OCTOC 30-Jun-2009 Expiry of options Expiry of options -750,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOC Listed: 0
Total OCTOC Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOC Issued Capital: 0
OCTOD 19-Dec-2007 New Issue Options $0.50 30JUN2010 750,000 750,000 UNLISTED
OCTOD 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -750,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOD Listed: 0
Total OCTOD Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOD Issued Capital: 0
OCTOE 19-Dec-2007 New Issue Options $0.60 30JUN2011 750,000 750,000 UNLISTED
OCTOE 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -750,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOE Listed: 0
Total OCTOE Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOE Issued Capital: 0
OCTOF 1-Jul-2008 Extension Extension of OCTOB options $0.25 30JUN2009 28,854,710 28,854,710 LISTED
OCTOF 7-Oct-2008 Correction Options 30 June 2009 60,000 28,914,710 LISTED
OCTOF 1-Jul-2009 Converted to OL Converted to OL -28,914,710 0 LISTED
Total OCTOF Listed: 0
Total OCTOF Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOF Issued Capital: 0
OCTOG 19-Dec-2007 New Issue Options $0.70 30JUN2012 750,000 750,000 UNLISTED
OCTOG 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -750,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOG Listed: 0
Total OCTOG Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOG Issued Capital: 0
OCTOH 20-Mar-2009 Issue Option $0.2424 30JUN2009 500,000 500,000 UNLISTED
OCTOH 30-Jun-2009 Expiry of options Expiry of options -500,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOH Listed: 0
Total OCTOH Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOH Issued Capital: 0
OCTOI 20-Mar-2009 Issue Option $0.3030 30JUN2010 500,000 500,000 UNLISTED
OCTOI 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -500,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOI Listed: 0
Total OCTOI Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOI Issued Capital: 0
OCTOJ 20-Mar-2009 Issue Option $0.3636 30JUNE2011 500,000 500,000 UNLISTED
OCTOJ 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -500,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOJ Listed: 0
Total OCTOJ Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOJ Issued Capital: 0
OCTOK 20-Mar-2009 Issue Option $0.4242 30JUN2012 500,000 500,000 UNLISTED
OCTOK 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -500,000 0 UNLISTED
Total OCTOK Listed: 0
Total OCTOK Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOK Issued Capital: 0
OCTOL 1-Jul-2009 Issue Conversion from OCTOF $0.25 31DEC2010 28,914,710 28,914,710 LISTED
OCTOL 8-Jul-2009 Exercise of options Exercise of Options -67,610 28,847,100 LISTED
OCTOL 8-Jul-2009 Expiry of Options Expiry of Options -945,728 27,901,372 LISTED
OCTOL 5-Nov-2009 Delisted Delisted -27,901,372 0 LISTED

Total OCTOL Listed: 0
Total OCTOL Unlisted: 0
Current OCTOL Issued Capital: 0