REVENUE | | | | | | | | |
Revenue from activities/operations | 352,000 | | 836,200 | | | 60,086 | 18,547 | |
Interest Received | 504 | 4,732 | 6,423 | 149 | 9,241 | 5,281 | 32,181 | 41,352 |
Dividends Received | | | | | 1,600 | 4,481 | 5,442 | 563 |
Other Revenue | | | | | | 9,762 | 97,200 | |
Total Revenue |
Cost of sales | | | | | | | | |
Gross Profit |
EXPENSES | | | | | | | | |
Travel Expenses | (24,416) | | | | | | | |
Employee Benefits Expense | | (226,550) | (281,194) | (109,314) | (159,991) | (43,692) | (79,926) | (271,500) |
Depreciation | (260) | (455) | (241) | (1,206) | (1,206) | (1,402) | (1,881) | (325) |
Amortisation and impairments | | | | | (20,000) | (140,609) | | (129,596) |
Professional Expenses | (23,268) | (95,293) | (19,646) | (51,429) | (91,159) | | | |
Marketing & promotion | | | | | | | (1,793) | (129,466) |
Listing Fees | (279,448) | (37,845) | (57,109) | (38,038) | (140,301) | (73,591) | (103,829) | (121,823) |
Occupancy/Property Expenses | (46,224) | (43,727) | (14,000) | (6,028) | (57,801) | (16,617) | (20,437) | |
Auditor Remuneration | (94,700) | (80,646) | (58,924) | (27,853) | (42,664) | (41,971) | (46,500) | (12,538) |
Exchange Gains/Losses unrealised | | | | | | (13,624) | | (24,655) |
Profit / Loss on sale of asset | | | | | (54,740) | (46,546) | | (94,205) |
Other Expenses | (58,395) | (45,657) | (80,854) | (13,642) | (176,184) | (4,187) | (88,430) | (184,503) |
Total Expenses |
PROFIT / (LOSS) | | | | | | | | |
Profit/Loss before income tax | (174,207) | (525,441) | 330,655 | (247,360) | (733,205) | (303,927) | (189,426) | (926,697) |
Profit/Loss after income tax |
Profit/Loss from discontinued operations | | | (22,172) | (25,369) | | | | |
Total Comprehensive Income |
ASSETS | | | | | | | | |
Current Assets | | | | | | | | |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 37,495 | 197,555 | 505,289 | 103,313 | 36,043 | 83,817 | 262,060 | 642,602 |
Trade and Other Receivables | 91,496 | 29,726 | 234,830 | 5,501 | 47,751 | 2,644 | 8,263 | 35,975 |
Financial Assets | | | | | 3,636 | 219,286 | 205,198 | 93,028 |
Total Current Assets |
Non-Current Assets | | | | | | | | |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 433 | 693 | 1,771 | | 4,824 | 6,030 | 7,432 | 9,313 |
Intangible Assets | | | | 63,800 | 63,800 | | | |
Other Non-Current Assets | | | | | | | 140,609 | |
Total Non-Current Assets |
Total Assets |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | | |
Current Liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Trade and other payables | 47,157 | 271,500 | 259,975 | 179,182 | 69,894 | 24,213 | 32,071 | |
Borrowings | 400,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 280,000 | 100,000 | | | |
Total Current Liabilities | |
Non-Current Liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Total Liabilities | |
EQUITY | | | | | | | | |
Issued Capital | 2,419,950 | 2,419,950 | 2,419,950 | 2,059,950 | 2,059,950 | 1,628,148 | 1,628,148 | 1,628,148 |
Reserves | | | | | | | 79,206 | 79,206 |
Retained Earnings | (2,737,683) | (2,563,476) | (2,038,035) | (2,346,518) | (2,073,789) | (1,340,584) | (1,115,863) | (926,437) |
Total Equity |
CASH FLOW | | | | | | | | |
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities | (560,060) | (507,734) | (475,144) | (112,730) | (656,687) | (122,409) | (210,230) | (739,250) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities | | 200,000 | 697,120 | | 140,911 | (55,834) | (170,312) | (246,448) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) financing activities | 400,000 | | 180,000 | 180,000 | 468,002 | | | 1,328,143 |
Net Increase (decrease) in cash held | (160,060) | (307,734) | 401,976 | 67,270 | (47,774) | (178,243) | (380,542) | 342,445 |
Cash at the beginning of the period | 197,555 | 505,289 | 103,313 | 36,043 | 83,817 | 262,060 | 642,602 | 300,157 |
Cash at the end of the period |