REVENUE | | | | |
Revenue from activities/operations | 289,104 | 826,326 | 210,038 | 523,987 |
Other Revenue | 78 | 409 | 2,101,856 | (4,047,273) |
Total Revenue |
Cost of sales | | | | |
Cost of sales | 1,463 | 473,332 | 102,592 | (152,902) |
Total Cost of Sales |
Gross Profit |
EXPENSES | | | | |
Administration Expenses | (239,100) | (244,833) | (24,393) | (1,201,618) |
Operating Expenses | (83,265) | (44,528) | (41,518) | |
Marketing & promotion | | (1,884) | | |
Total Expenses |
PROFIT / (LOSS) | | | | |
Profit/Loss before income tax | (34,646) | 62,158 | 2,143,391 | (4,877,806) |
Income tax/benefit expense | | (2,918) | | |
Profit/Loss after income tax |
Tax on Fair Value Gain/(Loss) on Financial Assets Available for Sale Impairment in loss for the Year | (1,092,825) | (1,457,100) | | |
Foreign Exchange Gain/(Loss) on Translation of Foreign Ops | (38,956) | (270,817) | 193,435 | 317,416 |
Total Comprehensive Income |
Members of parent entity | (1,166,427) | | | |
Total Profit/Loss | | | |
ASSETS | | | | |
Current Assets | | | | |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Total Current Assets |
Non-Current Assets | | | | |
Investments | 11,822,633 | 11,822,633 | 6,562,150 | 4,275,700 |
Investments in Associates | 4,007,025 | 5,099,850 | 11,222,633 | 11,407,227 |
Other Non-Current Assets | 5,200 | 5,200 | | |
Total Non-Current Assets |
Total Assets |
Current Liabilities | | | | |
Non-Current Liabilities | | | | |
Total Liabilities | | | | |
EQUITY | | | | |
Issued Capital | 20,330,201 | 20,330,201 | 19,730,201 | 19,730,201 |
Retained Earnings | (4,495,342) | (3,402,517) | (1,945,417) | (4,047,273) |
Total Equity |
CASH FLOW | | | | |
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities | 73,282 | (219,400) | 368,792 | (942,544) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities | | (506,292) | (184,594) | (12,050,236) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) financing activities | 21,434 | 749,181 | (184,097) | 21,544,137 |
Net Increase (decrease) in cash held | 94,716 | 23,849 | 101 | 1,357 |
Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss | 80 | 19 | 4 | |
Cash at the beginning of the period | 24,970 | 1,462 | 1,357 | |
Cash at the end of the period |