REVENUE | | | | | | | |
Revenue from activities/operations | | | | 13,636 | 25,455 | 107,104 | 20,000 |
Interest Received | | | | | | | 4,258 |
Grants | | | | | | 2,049 | 337 |
Other Revenue | 198,141 | 34,287 | | 6,213 | | 63,864 | 27,624 |
Total Revenue | |
Cost of sales | | | | | | | |
Gross Profit | |
EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Travel Expenses | | | | | | | (4,928) |
Employee Benefits Expense | (117,600) | (43,677) | (60,000) | (24,000) | (24,000) | (24,000) | (53,444) |
Depreciation | | (34) | (77) | (137) | (244) | (9,488) | (27,967) |
Amortisation and impairments | | | | | | | (3,012,336) |
Consultancy fees | (35,599) | (24,045) | (30,000) | (30,000) | (30,000) | (34,453) | (45,261) |
Marketing & promotion | | | | | | | (11,846) |
Listing Fees | (52,384) | (25,936) | (41,158) | (31,288) | (21,612) | (39,232) | (11,834) |
Auditor Remuneration | (36,966) | (35,589) | (41,069) | (34,630) | (64,739) | (96,397) | (66,736) |
Financing costs | (14,557) | (16,326) | (21,524) | (22,771) | (15,517) | (10,090) | (2,795) |
Other Expenses | (13,543) | (12,302) | (9,445) | (2,706) | (7,059) | (13,829) | (13,308) |
Total Expenses |
PROFIT / (LOSS) | | | | | | | |
Profit/Loss before income tax | (72,508) | (123,622) | (203,273) | (125,683) | (137,716) | (54,472) | (3,198,236) |
Profit/Loss after income tax |
Profit/Loss from discontinued operations | | | | | 215,293 | 462,933 | 1,059 |
Total Comprehensive Income |
ASSETS | | | | | | | |
Current Assets | | | | | | | |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 5,039 | 1 | 362 | 7,296 | 837 | 11,350 | 125,722 |
Trade and Other Receivables | 70,389 | 6,833 | 7,201 | 5,885 | 12,785 | 33,870 | 26,457 |
Financial Assets | | | | | | | 70,000 |
Tax receivable | | | | | | | 6,851 |
Other Current Assets | 110,559 | | | 10,189 | 11,239 | 9,021 | 11,561 |
Other Investments | | 39,822 | 10,712 | | | | |
Total Current Assets |
Non-Current Assets | | | | | | | |
Property, Plant and Equipment | | | 99 | 176 | 313 | 682 | 45,792 |
Intangible Assets | | | | | | | 1,966 |
Total Non-Current Assets | | |
Total Assets |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | |
Current Liabilities | | | | | | | |
Trade and other payables | 197,243 | 153,716 | 109,565 | 51,941 | 112,332 | 320,449 | 866,981 |
Borrowings | 789,447 | 679,750 | 239,267 | 431,520 | 247,074 | 142,885 | 102,795 |
Other Current liabilities | | | | | | | 101,688 |
Total Current Liabilities |
Non-Current Liabilities | | | | | | | |
Borrowings | | | 296,997 | | | | |
Total Non-Current Liabilities | | | | | | |
Total Liabilities |
EQUITY | | | | | | | |
Issued Capital | 2,499,415 | 2,447,510 | 2,447,510 | 2,447,510 | 2,447,510 | 2,447,510 | 2,447,510 |
Reserves | 6,710 | | 35,733 | | (59,253) | (55,855) | (32,377) |
Retained Earnings | (3,306,828) | (3,234,320) | (3,110,698) | (2,907,425) | (2,722,489) | (2,800,066) | (3,198,248) |
Total Equity |
CASH FLOW | | | | | | | |
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities | (271,930) | (55,435) | (122,924) | 2,999 | (108,806) | (76,023) | (157,904) |
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities | (74,928) | (30,534) | | 2,440 | | (43,162) | 78,215 |
Net Cash provided by (used in) financing activities | 351,905 | 85,599 | 116,000 | (3,460) | 103,027 | 15,852 | 148,218 |
Net Increase (decrease) in cash held | 5,047 | (370) | (6,934) | 1,979 | (10,513) | (114,372) | 65,557 |
Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss | | | | (220) | | | |
Cash at the beginning of the period | (8) | 362 | 7,296 | 4,009 | 11,350 | 125,722 | 60,165 |
Cash at the end of the period |