The National Stock Exchange of Australia has a long history of supporting companies in the agricultural industry.



$2 million NTA

$5 million market capitalisation

50 shareholders
($2,000 per parcel)

  • NSX has been home to multiple success stories, many of which are household names
  • Our collaborative approach to an IPO provides you and your advisors with confidence throughout the listing process
  • The NSX listing criteria is achievable for smaller companies, meaning that you can IPO sooner than you think
  • Unique to NSX is our multiple market structure which allows a closed or restricted market where holders of securities in a single class of securities are either:
    • The only ones that can trade that class of security; or
    • There are ownership restrictions on that class of security
  • NSX seeks to empowers agri business through access to new sources of capital, removing reliance on traditional sources such as debt.


  • Access to Capital
  • Liquidity
  • Market Valuation
  • Investor Confidence